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  1. J

    My babies growing very slow???

    Don't worry man I use MG soil all the time and it works as good as any soil out there just make sure u add perlite to it for extra draining ability and don't fert for a little at least untill them seed leaves die off then start. If your getting slow growth and the new growth is light in color...
  2. J

    Help please

    I would not worry about the hermie thing your not going to stress them by killing the lights for a little bit. I have had my power go out with no problems ya know. But growing with a house on the market come like everyone eles said not a good idea.
  3. J

    Jiffy seed starters

    and bouncing back they are new growth way better than they have done so far. They are still a very light green.
  4. J

    Jiffy seed starters

    I watered with some superthive and I don't really see any new growth yet after that shock. The leaves have not really started growing yet they are staying small and all new groth has remained tightly packed together
  5. J

    Could this be overwatering

    I think I figured out why they might be over watered. When they were smaller they strectched a little so I planted them deep in the pot, probally have to wait till the pot is bone dry all the way down to make sure the roots that are way down get the O2 they need. Will putting an air stone in the...
  6. J

    Jiffy seed starters

    Oh the nets are off now I think I only took off about a hundred roots too i'm curious to see what happens and how long they will take to recover and get growing agian
  7. J

    Jiffy seed starters

    I had a little more than a couple coming though when I pulled them off but lets see if they can recover from this one I have heard worse Lets wait for new growth
  8. J

    Jiffy seed starters

    Ok took the nets off and some roots too Lets see what happens no big deal If they keel over just do it a agian I will keep anyone who cares up dated
  9. J

    Could this be overwatering

    No the leaves look droopy they are already there nodes high not tipping over they are a little streched not bad I planted them deep to take care of that when I replanted. but I think that jiffy pelet is holding water down there and the rest of the soil feels dry I'm gonna let these things go...
  10. J

    Could this be overwatering

    about three times they are planted in one gallon containers and takes about 3 days to dry but I let them go four due to that wilt after a water. when I say dry that soil is dust four inches down and they never show a sign of underwatering when they get that dry so back to my question, is the...
  11. J

    Could this be overwatering

    I have a couple of plant that were started in the little jiffy seed starters with the net on them. I only water once every four days or so and I let that soil get good and dry, but after I water they wilt but the soil is very dry do you think the little jiffy pellet planted down there is holding...
  12. J

    Jiffy seed starters

    So the ones you left the netting on, how long did it take to finaly start growing good?
  13. J

    Jiffy seed starters

    I was gonna put a little piece of root popped off so I might have to just sit and wait till the roots blow through and get growing. Guess I just put myseft a couple of weeks behind.
  14. J

    Advise on soil ph issue...

    If you take dolomite lime put it in water a water with it I will bring the PH up or down to 7 very true look it up I had a high PH watered with dolomite and it buffered it to around 7 give or take.
  15. J

    Jiffy seed starters

    I planted a couple of seeds in a jiffy starter kit the ones in the little nets that expand. They grew quick for a little and now hit a wall everything eles is good except I planted the damm things with the nets still on and there are some roots coming though but slowly(this is the slowest I have...
  16. J

    Brown Tips on young plant

    I gave one of them some fert and that was it green and growing
  17. J

    Brown Tips on young plant

    Nope everything eles though we grow a bunch of veggies and fruit and never had a problem last time I used miricle grow and they came out awsome its weird shit I though MG sucked. Last time I screwed up kinnda, I used MG and fertilized the first week but let me tell ya they grew real fast and no...
  18. J

    Brown Tips on young plant

    its soil I have used to grow everything and anything eles grows fucking crazy in it once I fertilize. It is made here in the next city over, perlite and dirt pretty much ph of 6.5 drains real good but it has no ferts mabey it is getting ready for a low dose unless it could be bugs who knows I...
  19. J

    Brown Tips on young plant

    I have a couple of plants that are about two weeks old under a 250 watt about a foot and a half from them temps are in the low 80's so not too much of a heat problem, But the two first round leaves that came out started to yellow from the tip and now there about brown all the way up. Now...
  20. J

    Question on LST

    Thanks man