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  1. S

    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    So about 4 inches is good and trim the majority of the foliage to let it concentrate on roots not feeding that. cool I understand that When I added airstones (more of them) the plants really seemed to like it. One thing id like to get is an industrial Air pump t0 really get some bubbles going on
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    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    I dont know what it is but my clones never root. All 3 times ive tried lol Ill give it a shot again since this grow's a bust anyway. Thanks for the tips i appreciate that! thanks for the link roseman!
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    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    Yea I got the shit end of that deal! I', pretty sure it was due to the low maintanace that I was providing for the plants, yes they were easy to take care of but I didnt have all the necessary tools and I didnt put in the required time to make them perfect. It was amazing to watch them grow...
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    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    Well heres the updated pic of my all but 1 male bush. Out of the 4 only 1 is a female. Should I just let them grow and try to make hash out of the males and keep what I can off the banged female? I hate to chop them down seeing as how they are majority male, i dont expect to gt much out...
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    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    Looks like 2 of the 4 are male for sure. 1 im undecided and the last is looking like a girl. the 2 biggest sure enough are the males. Shitty deal but i guess it was expected!
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    The Bubblehead Showcase

    Roseman what an amazing closet! theres no more room for any more pot in there lol Man I cant even begin to think of how muc you will yield off those monsters! Congratulations and thanks for all the knowledge and info you share with us all!
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    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    I hope I see some female preflowers. I remember what the males look like from my soil grow, I had way too many of the bastrds lol Im excited about the freebies! my first non-bagseeds! Should I grow the 2 strains 2gether or would that not be recommended? well heres some pics of the progress!
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    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    Checked on the plants and there was actually alot of growth in the past 2 days that i hadnt looked at them. Ill post up pics in a few minutes
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    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    how soon after starting 12/12 should I start to see changes? I dont see much going on in the room with the change in lighting. Ive got them close to the plants t make better use of my lack of lighting. Got some free seeds in the mail today from attitude. 1 Royal Kush feminized and 5 Thai...
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    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    Awesome Thanks Roseman, Ill see if I can find some of that in lowes. How much should I use? Thanks!
  11. S

    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    Flowering Started about 4 days ago, they are on 12/12 now, lights on at night to keep temps up in there, starting to get cold here. Unfortunately No bloom nutes, no more lights due to financial reasons, all in all I think its looking o for a low budget VERY simple grow. Im using some...
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    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    Ok so I thnk my plan is buy some bloom nutes today and maybe a ppm/tds meter when I get paid, than 2 weeks from now Ill get me a HID set up so I can stick it in there for the last part of the grow. I put them into 12/12 yesterday and stuck the 2500K 42watters in there for them. theres 4...
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    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    Yea heat shouldnt be an issue, ive got a big fan in there now and can add more, if need be i can open the closet doors to let the heat disperse. I would love to upgrade to some HIDs! Just need to get all my other supplies in check too, mostly nutes. does the 250 make the buds more dense...
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    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    Awesome I guess Ill just keep trying it out. I got some cloning powder from lowes and a bunch of 1x1 rockwool cubes (200 of em, ebay lol) so Ill ry till I get it right! What do you think og this light set up? Found it on Craigslist for...
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    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    The growth I've seen in my set up is amazing and completely blows my soil grow away, no doubt! And my set up is not at all legit lol its lacking alot of what is "required" to have a successful grow but is still thriving! Im sure once I get the meters, full line up of nutes, and my CFL light...
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    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    Ha! Ill keep that in mind today when I check on them, find a good song to dedicate to them haha Thanks again for the feedback MC, ima go warm up the vocals lol
  17. S

    Serious AK-47 seeds 30 days into veg -pics and ?'s

    Your grow looks awesome! nice healthy looking plants I wish my soil grw would have looked like this!
  18. S

    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    lol Thanks! Only thing I could find around the house w/ enough outlets to hook everything up. Ahh.. sounds like I didnt mist them enough and definitely not frequent enough lol Ill start sprayin em more often since thats free lol Thanks for the info MC and everyone anything else I...
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    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    Yes Im still in veg. How often do you spray them? Ive sprayed them a few times trying to see how they reacted but IDK if i sparyed enough cause I saw no reaction. This is my first bubble grow I cant wait till im at the point of fine tuning the skills and not just trying to keep them alive lol...
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    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    Temp and Humidity are unknown MC, lol havent had a chance to get a meter. Im going to get the one from wallmart as soon as I get paid again along with blom nutes. Im slackin on the supplies Roseman! Thanks for the complements! Your current grow is looking insane! I hope mine look similar to...