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  1. H

    hermie or just seriously ill??

    water every 3 days medium pro-mix bx she is very dry and has stopped budding shows signs of nute def regardless of what i do.. anyhelp or advice would be greatly appreciated..
  2. H

    cleaning time and other things

    ok i have finaly had it with this dayum grow room. so my idea is to empty it out and scrub it down and also get some insect repelllent in there.... i will be putting my retarded plant outdoors during the process tomorrowsince the entire basement will get a good cleaning..i will be using bleach...
  3. H

    poor ermma needs some medical advice

    ok next size up is a ten gallon i just repotted her about 4 days ago.. gave her some medicine and the reading was 7.0 . now hereis another question.. when i repotted her the first time i removed as much MG as i could. someone suggested that i rinse pull her out rinse off the rest of the MG and...
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    poor ermma needs some medical advice

    between 75 and 80 humidity stays around 68-74
  5. H

    poor ermma needs some medical advice

    ok well i've posted before and took alot of advice and now i need somemore. yes i have read threw the help department and found alot of things that was goin wrong. so now i am here to perhaps find some answers that i didnt find in there.. 1~ some upper plant leafs are folding in half.. still...
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    ok i got pics up in my photo albums on here ..
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    i picked up a bog of pro mix and a small bag of earthworm castings as well
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    yes i do but have no idea how to post them on here
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    pitbull are you saying flush it after i transplant it or before??
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    ok ihave a plant that is into week 4 of flowering she was given to me about 6 wks ago and she is in MG. and is having nute burn issues.. i would like to trsansplant into a different pot and try to get rid of some of the MG and replace with some good soil. what do you think about that? good bad...
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    Welcome New Members!

    good morning. im new to the site and am loving all the information i am reading it is helping me ALOT thanks to all !!!!
  12. H

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    hello.. well i have a couple of questions. i am a newbie at this and i have 2 fem ak-47 auto flower and 1 male . they were given to me a cpl days ago and are about into their 40 day growth. what would the best nutrients to feed them and also with the nice weather would it do harm to them if i...