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  1. Stonedwall

    1 mg XANAX 10 MG adderal 3 bowls of weed... is it alright to drink????

    im on a 1/2 mg of xanax from 4 hours ago took 2 hour nap then 1 mg xanax 10 mg adderal 1 hour ago and 3 bowls 10 mins ago is it a good idea for me to start drinking?
  2. Stonedwall

    How many autoflowering plants can 1 fit under a 600 watt hps?

    How many autoflowering plants can 1 fit under a 600 watt hps? and any idea on what I should expect to yield. Im doing DWC 16/8 light cycle...advanced nutrients...and the strain Im leading towards is diesel ryder or automatic ak47. Also if anyone knows a better autoflowering plant Im mainly...
  3. Stonedwall

    Going to trip on dxm shrooms and weed.

    I still have control on solely shrooms the dxm is a nice added kick and i dont think ive ever said rad and the trip will be at a later time apparently its hard to get an ounce of mushrooms on short notice
  4. Stonedwall

    Going to trip on dxm shrooms and weed.

    I plan on taking 450 mg of dxm 3.5 g of dried shrooms and continuing to smoke periodically. I was wondering if anyone has any experiences with mixing dxm and shrooms ill attempt to update this as the trip goes on but cant make any promises all im waiting on is the shrooms
  5. Stonedwall

    My 1st lsd trip so far...

    I started off taking 3 hits at about midnight then after an hour we started driving around town trying to get our speed up to 100 on a small road with a hill (no people were around and it was a designated driver) then came back smoked a little weed thought to my self lsd isnt that great im...
  6. Stonedwall

    if i drink a whole 5oz bottle of delsym how hard will i trip?

    im allergic to dxm? or something else
  7. Stonedwall

    Did i just get fucked

    the blue aliens tits are out shes a god damn preteen fantastic planet god damn
  8. Stonedwall

    Did i just get fucked

    that ezgrow looks pretty cool is it as easy as it seems and how long from start to finish/should i put it in with my other plants or seperate
  9. Stonedwall

    Did i just get fucked

    ill watch fantastic planet havent seen it in a while and remember it was pretty trippy
  10. Stonedwall

    Did i just get fucked

    any one know how long it takes to grow some from start to finish im sure i could find it but am to depressed to read through posts lol
  11. Stonedwall

    Did i just get fucked

    i just ate it wasnt that bad better than chugging two bottles of flavored walgreens robotussin
  12. Stonedwall

    Did i just get fucked

    already ate it now smoking a bowl should i add some tussin? any1 mix all 3 i dont wont to get effects of dxm if it will take away from effects of shrooms only if it helps it anyone have experience
  13. Stonedwall

    Did i just get fucked

    Yea small cap small stem So would you suggest i go get some robotussin and smoke weed to try and salvage this or would it be bad to mix all 3 ...The worst thing is i would have took all 3.5 grams and now im stuck with 1/5th the dose
  14. Stonedwall

    if i drink a whole 5oz bottle of delsym how hard will i trip?

    When i did 900 mg I got ridiculously itchy and woke up with a swollen face good times
  15. Stonedwall

    Did i just get fucked

    I just paid 15$ for .7 grams of shrooms originally it was supposed to be 3.5 for 60 but he was short is this .7 grams going to get me even mildly high (its my first time doing shrooms) should i go by some tussin and robotrip at the same time I just ate the shrooms
  16. Stonedwall

    Aurora Indica (NL x Afghan)

    i found it useful any pictures though?
  17. Stonedwall

    The Attitude review

    So it was sitting at the post office and incase other people didnt know because i didnt u can use the tracking number they give you in the us postal service on top of the royal website so if i wasnt a fool and checked the post office i would have got it in 7 days
  18. Stonedwall

    Should I bother Using a fogger mister in my diy aeroponics

    Ive done 900 mg be4 and woke up with a swollen face lol so im experienced but im not sure if thats a good thing and I try not to do it at all but every once in a while i crack when i have no weed but hopefully my grow will work well and i never have to do it again. heres a post about my...
  19. Stonedwall

    Should I bother Using a fogger mister in my diy aeroponics

    lmao im coming off it now but i just reread your answer and the most confusing part earlier was the diagram and i didnt even pay attention to the what was in the parenthesis about plant and sprayer i am such a fuck up lol so i guess i though you just put a few x's and o's for fun
  20. Stonedwall

    Grandma is being a b!tch..

    someone has been watching to much first 48