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  1. Stonedwall

    Should I bother Using a fogger mister in my diy aeroponics

    i dont know if its just cuz im robotripping but i have no idea what the hell your answer is talking about
  2. Stonedwall

    No weed... what do you guys do?

    I changed my standing on the position dahamma cut me a break dxm=bad even though im on it now its caused more problems than good but fuck you
  3. Stonedwall

    No weed... what do you guys do?

    oh also dont ever do 900 mg of dxm while your haning out with your girlfriend and she is unaware you just did that because she will question you and you will have to say i feel dizzy because I sprayed all of that raid on the perimeter of the patio and when she takes you to walgreens so you can...
  4. Stonedwall

    No weed... what do you guys do?

    all you assholes on this guys dick need to get off it about living his life. Reality is fine in small doses but that shit gets boring. what i do is what someone said earlier is dxm you go to walmart and buy robutusin long lasting I think the writing is orange Make sure that DXM is the only...
  5. Stonedwall

    Should I bother Using a fogger mister in my diy aeroponics

    Im in the process of making a diy aeroponics system based on this and when i went to the store to get the sprayers I found a fogger/mister and i know the fog/mist is...
  6. Stonedwall

    The Way I smoke!

    Where Fl Way I smoke: Homeade bong vaporizer joint Locals: Joint/blunt Strangest way I smoked: We couldnt find my friends pipe so we made a homemade one from pieces of a nebulizer the carb is an inch in diameter. The sad thing is we still use it on a regular basis
  7. Stonedwall

    The Attitude review

    I ordered from them on 4/23 and still havent received them and under the tracking it said delivery attempted but they didnt leave a card So i dont know what to do any ideas should i call the post office or something ? i also live in a southern state
  8. Stonedwall

    Plans For my first Grow Space (advice needed) -Links/Pics

    After many hours of research, reading/rereading taking adderall to help study for a test and end up doing nothing but reading forums I think I might finally have my ideal setup plans. I will be using dwc buckets and growing in two armoires (both 6h*4L*2D) The first armoire Is broken up into 3...