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  1. justsay

    Arjan's Ultra Haze #1

    I took some pics last week and I forgot to post them. The plants looked pretty good except for one (#10) that stopped growing. It has since fixed itself and is looking pretty good. The issue I'm having this week is that one of the plants (#9) seems to be burned. Otherwise they...
  2. justsay

    Arjan's Ultra Haze #1

    It's been almost two weeks since I started the seeds and all is well. 10 out of ten seeds sprouted and survived which is great. I think I'm only going to give them about one more week of veg time before I start flowering because I want to keep them short. They are all in 10 gallon grow bags and...
  3. justsay

    Arjan's Ultra Haze #1

    10/10 seeds germinated and as of today 8/10 fully sprouted and the other 2 are pretty close. They are in Jiffy Peat Pellets under a small humidity dome (which they will probably outgrow today). I'm planning to put them directly into 10 gallon grow bags when they have enough roots. I keep the...
  4. justsay

    Arjan's Ultra Haze #1

    I decided to germinate the seeds using the paper towel method which has always worked well for me. After about 24 hours all five seeds had cracked. Next I put them in peat pellets but no picture yet because I need a new memory card. I'm hoping they will sprout within a couple...
  5. justsay

    Arjan's Ultra Haze #1

    My seeds arrived a couple of days ago and I'm going to start them tonight using the paper towel method. I think I'm going to start five seeds because I want the plants to have enough space. Greenhouse recommends giving each plant a square meter of space so in my 4'X8' grow room I should only put...
  6. justsay

    Arjan's Ultra Haze #1

    How do you space the lights so all the plants benefit from both types of light?
  7. justsay

    Arjan's Ultra Haze #1
  8. justsay

    Arjan's Ultra Haze #1

    I agree that I definitely don't have enough light on the plants but I'm pretty sure they're filling out the pots because I have roots on the outside edges of the pots. That said I still think they would be ok in smaller pots especially if I don't have ideal space and lighting.
  9. justsay

    Arjan's Ultra Haze #1

    That plant in your avatar looks awesome! Have you always used coco/perlite? I've never used coco but I'm interested in how it compares to peat moss. You're probably right about the large pot size being unnecessary but originally I did it because that's what the Greenhouse guys did in the...
  10. justsay

    Arjan's Ultra Haze #1

    My seeds got here today about 11 days after I ordered them. Sensible Seeds is great. They gave me 10 free Sweet Dreams seeds which was nice but I'm not sure when I will grow those. I want to focus on the AUH1 for a while. I think it will be easier to stick with one or two strains until I have a...
  11. justsay

    Help Me out..I can't Decide!

    I'm growing AUH1 and so far I'm happy with it.
  12. justsay

    Homegrown Fantaseeds vs Greenhouse Train Wreck

    I grew some Homegrown Train Wreck as part of my first grow ever and it's drying now. The buds did deform like described, the yield was pathetic, but the buds were full of crystals. I recently started some GH Train Wreck so I won't know for a few months how they compare. When I bought the...
  13. justsay

    Arjans ultra haze #2 and gigabud, am I clear for take off?

    Unless you shorten veg time to keep the plants small you might run out of space. I way underestimated the amount of space each plant would need for my first grow. I can't wait to see how your AUH2 turns out. I'm growing some AUH1 right now.
  14. justsay

    Arjan's Ultra Haze #1

    I think I'm going to use this journal to document everything about my second batch of Arjan's Ultra Haze #1. So far I am 5 weeks into flowering my first batch and I'm happy with the progress. I ordered a 10 pack of feminized seeds almost two weeks ago so they should arrive this week or next...