Search results

  1. Akita420

    Atheist Manifesto

    Im glad you found it interesting. Perception plays a large role in what we think and feel. Understanding the complexities of perception and how your perceptions develope will put you on the right track. "What one perceives is a result of interplays...
  2. Akita420

    Atheist Manifesto

    If I may add a bit to this discussion, there are 2 parts I would like to address. 1. The mental states of people that go to religion and their overall intellectual capacity. 2. Where did the earth and heavens come from. (I am a supporter of the Big Bang Theory) In my search for the "truth"...
  3. Akita420

    Mutation question

    I have a few advanced questions that are out of my league, but interesting none the less. I emailed this question to someone on the advanced board and they didnt reply. I got slightly discouraged but that hasnt stopped it from running through my head. I read woomeisters thread a few weeks...
  4. Akita420

    A New Campaign Platform- Yes We Cannabis!

    :clap:Yes We Cannabis! :clap: Any thoughts on starting a green party?
  5. Akita420

    Atheist Manifesto

    Only the atheist recognizes the boundless narcissism and self-deceit of the saved. Only the atheist realizes how morally objectionable it is for survivors of a catastrophe to believe themselves spared by a loving God while this same God drowned infants in their cribs. Because he refuses to cloak...
  6. Akita420

    Bob Marley Lovers?

    Chase Those Crazy Bald Heads cant deny his sons Stephen & Damian Marley "The Mission" Ky-Mani Marley - Dear Dad
  7. Akita420

    Green dragon question

    Very good question I have a bottle of "la clandestine" 53% Ive been saving.
  8. Akita420


    ultra touch (home depot) Block-IR...
  9. Akita420

    Obama's Drug Policy

    Dennis Brown Revolution :joint:
  10. Akita420

    whats the best way to keep a room cool?

    Move the ballast out of the space. I was @94
  11. Akita420

    Florida grow house bust

    reasons to (a) pay your electric bill on time and (b) not grow in a shed outback. safety first LAKELAND | A sheriff's SWAT team that raided a north Lakeland house found nearly 40 marijuana plants inside but not the occupant of the home, according to the Polk County Sheriff's Office...
  12. Akita420

    Obama's Drug Policy

    Are you suggesting a marijuana jihad??:twisted: lol (had to do it)
  13. Akita420

    Religion, or lack of, open discussion/FRIENDLY debate.

    or we the result of colliding meteors? 15th Foundational Falsehood of Creationism Pt 1 part 1 part 2
  14. Akita420

    So I might have a Drug Test Coming up, Suggestions?

    If your not going to quit, dont bother taking the job. I pissed hot 3 (or more times) and its just not worth the damages. Your peers will become super condecending and will look to fire/punish you. You might be tight for cash and find yourself in a bind. I've drank tons of water, pissed on the...
  15. Akita420

    Been over a decade, First grow in a while.

    great pics, you have a mini jungle growing. Im new here, I have been lurking gathering tons of info. I was wondering what size space are you using? I am concerned with space as well. I just started, after 10 years off as well. I am using a space 8x4x7.