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  1. Heebusgeebus

    So my car got broken into...

    Sh*tty, I have that same problem around here... I wish someone would invent a car alarm that paralyses the offender and leaves him unconcious on the ground... then I could do as I please with the offender...
  2. Heebusgeebus

    The Beautiful earth we live on....

    Beautiful pictures everyone...
  3. Heebusgeebus

    So Now It's Swine Flu

    The count is up to 82 in Mexico, and cases found in New York, and in Europe now, as I have heard this Morning on the radio, although, I havent heard that much about it....
  4. Heebusgeebus

    Don't you just love spring.

    I love spring, all the excitement of the summer ahead, and what fall will bring....
  5. Heebusgeebus

    Over played movies.

    Ya, the bond movies have been killed for me too, but there are others the networks choose too kill. Its like they find a movie that gets good numbers, and plays it till everyone stops watchin there station, then choose another and kill it... the bond movies are playin right now because of the...
  6. Heebusgeebus

    permission to blaze?

    Just smoke it really slowly... maybe he'll show up... LOL.... you can save him the roaches, atleast its somethin....
  7. Heebusgeebus

    permission to blaze?

    If it was me , I woulda already... 3 hours, if ya tried to contact him with no answer, and he knew you were waitin for him, I'd say you've waited long enough... but it is your call
  8. Heebusgeebus

    Some Photos I Took : )

    Nice pics Sunnysideup.... and ya that parrot looks pissed off!, what did ya do to him?... LOL!
  9. Heebusgeebus

    High everyone!...

    Hello, I am new here and just wanted to introduce my self.... I look forward to learnin and contributing to what looks like a helpfull and informitive site... thanx for having me.... Heebusgeebus...