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  1. D

    New grower ghetto rig, need help

    so you have an iphone but too poor for internet and now want to ghetto rig a grow?? your all messed up man lol i would say get yourself a ph meter to start with.... but u dont have any $$$ pray for your plants my friend
  2. D

    Be careful!!!!

    he must work for the government.... maybe its you guys sprayin our weed with dumb shit like glass to try and get a valid reason to keep marijuana banned... as far as i know NOBODY had EVER passed away from smoking marijuana (other than respiratory issues that come from inhaling any type of...
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    6" plant dying

    yea i would do better with the light... @ least isolate watever little light you have with some reflection material are u ph testing your water?? i heard that will also stunt growth greatly but dont take it from me
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    Help me pick soil from Home Depot???

    yea i've used organic MG soil with no problems however i mix it down with about 40% perlite and flush b4 planting seedlings, never had a problem however i've recently upgraded to fox farm
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    Questions about bud maturity

    if the plant has only been flowering for a week and a half my understanding is that yes the hairs will still be completely white... give her some time man @ least a month. but yes, optimal time to pick buds is when they have turned half way amber either way just wait it out
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    First Grow, Skinny Stalk

    lmao i was using chop sticks to hold up my weak stem too... ya man get a fan, put ur plant into the gym
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    stealth advise

    lmao @ the flowers and berrys... as silly as it sounds seems like a great idea
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    is my plant dieing? or is this normal...

    Hey im kind of new to all this, but since hes using soil that might also have nutes should'nt he PH test water that drains out the bottom of the pot also??