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  1. M


    any help????
  2. M


    I had started about 6-7 plants and this is the only one that "hatched". I am wondering if it is a mutant because some of the leaves are little then the other side. any input would be great. If it is a mutant will it survive?
  3. M

    Walking in the woods and found a suprise

    They havent been "planted" and its my property. Ive watched them come from little 1/2 inch seedlings. and in the middle of our main walking trail.
  4. M

    Walking in the woods and found a suprise

    I was walking around the trail in our woods and stumbled into a few weed plants or what im thinking is weed plants. Are these actually weed plants? I am in doubt because they do not grow wild in my "neck of the woods". I could transplant them indoors is this a good idea? They are on the main...
  5. M

    Can plants flower at certain point regardless of time?

    Will plants flower even if the light is above 12 hours if they've gotten to old? Outside that is.
  6. M

    Indoor to outdoor flowering.

    Will plants that started flowering indoors continue to flower outside regardless it being fall? No i don't mean winter but like spring/summer - summer
  7. M

    heres half my grow that im doing

    Depends how big you want them to be and how much space and how anxieous you are. You could start them now but i would wait a week or so.
  8. M

    Miracle Grow

    they fucking shrivld up and died
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    Miracle Grow

    what about my little seedlings will thye make it>?
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    Miracle Grow

    The strain is a backyard mix called R2DB i have no clue what strain the parents were though. All i know is there ment for outdoors.
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    Miracle Grow

    Its seedling mix and i had other seedlings in yard dirt and they were fine. Its not yard dirt its black earth that i got from outside in the unplanted garden.
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    Miracle Grow

    I have suspected that miracle gro was fucking my plants over so i got soil from outside that was a lot cooler then the normal soil and one plant shot its stems out fast in a few hours. They have brown spots on them and dried and damaged ends will they come back to life or just fall off? will...
  13. M

    Plant problems

    23watt cfllsx2
  14. M

    Plant problems

    I have some plants growing under cfls with dried out leaves and curling tips is it because the plants are to close to the light or is it because there is tinfoil. I have flushed them yesterday and replanted them in mriacle grow seedling mix and they are still drying out any tips?