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  1. stoney steve

    Growing rule number 1

    From my experience of growing in the past there is one lesson i have took from it. Keep it to yourself sure you can trust close friends with what you are doing just be very careful about who can find out. I had 2 white widow plants just about to go into flowering stage with the 12/12 light shift...
  2. stoney steve

    Top 5 songs to smoke too

    Let me know what you think
  3. stoney steve

    Top 5 songs to smoke too

    5.Marcia Griffiths-Dreamland 4.Jah Stitch-Marshall Dread 3.Sister Nancy-Bam Bam 2.Linval Thompson-I love marijuana 1.Bob Marley-Trenchtown Rock :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmiliebongsmilie:lol::sleep:
  4. stoney steve

    Sad but true

    Thanks for everyone's feedback but just to make it clear i would never expect something for nothing. But their must be some sort of level ground where we can all be equal and live together in peace smoking lots of ganja.
  5. stoney steve

    Sad but true

    If you want to be free in this world to do your own thing you must first be a slave. Whether it be by working for your boss or studying for your teacher or lecturer (breaking your ass). :dunce::dunce::dunce::wall:
  6. stoney steve

    I have been thinking

    Isnt it ridiculous that weed is illegal. How much better would the world be if it grew naturally and you could just go and pick a few buds for yourself anytime you wanted. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::bigjoint:
  7. stoney steve

    What's Your Favorite Thing To While Stoned To The Wall?

    watch the simpsons when i watch that wen im stoned every episode seems like it is oscar deserving i dont know why i just think really deep into d plot it is crazy
  8. stoney steve

    The Funniest Comedian

    bill hicks defo everything he sais makes so much sence nd is funny at d same time rip
  9. stoney steve

    the wii, 360 or ps3

    they both are good in their own way but im gna av to say ps3 just cuz i own 1
  10. stoney steve

    I Learned Something Today

    & usain bolt
  11. stoney steve

    I Learned Something Today

    i have been smoking weed for 2 years. and today for the 1st time ever i ran a 10 km run and finished 4th. So i can say without doubt smoking weed will not make you unfit infact i believe it increases your stamina :peace::peace::joint::joint::peace::peace: :mrgreen:
  12. stoney steve

    i cant enjoy weed anymore

    iv been smoking weed for 2 years and i used love getting stoned the first year but now when i smoke i get very paranoid. is there anyway to stop getting paranoid
  13. stoney steve

    Do you think the world will really end in 2010

    i was on the internet looking that up and i found that it actually really could there is science and relegion that backs it up the date they say it will end in will be 21/12/2012. i really do believe that it will. if you never heard about it try looking it up. what does everyone think oops 2012...
  14. stoney steve

    how many grams should i get

    this is my first grow and i have 2 plants how many grams do you think i should get roughly from the 2 of them
  15. stoney steve

    how long does white widow take to flower

  16. stoney steve

    how long does white widow take to flower

    its my first grow my plant is looking good i just switched to 12/12 and im wondering how long will it take until i can harvest
  17. stoney steve

    how many grams should i get

    this is my first grow and my plant is starting to go into the flowering stage and im just wondering how many grams roughly should i get from this plant. the picture isnt great so it might be hard to tell
  18. stoney steve

    Best Method for Starting Seeds

    i think the easiest and most affective way is just to use the paper towel method
  19. stoney steve

    1st grow white widow

    this is my first ever grow. im growing outdoors its been 2 months what do you think.
  20. stoney steve

    what are the signs that a plant is starting to bud

    i am growing 2 ww plants outdoors since july and the light schedule in ireland should be changing to 12/12 soon this is my first grow so could any1 tell me what are the signs that a plant is flowering and could you put up pics to make it clearer please:leaf::leaf::leaf: