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    Is it too late?

    Appreciate it.
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    Is it too late?

    Haha yes, I am representing NC terribly and making you look bad because I did not use the search feature to find the answer to my question... ...get a fucking life, not all of us are forum masters
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    Is it too late?

    No, I think since its a forum where people can openly ask questions and not all of us have time to sit on here for hours at a time, that I'll just ask my simple question, instead of searching around to find it... Thanks guys for the answers...I'm in NC by the way
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    North Carolina outdoor 2009

    Raleigh here. Was doing an indoor grow of blue widow when it was tradgedly cut short due to my friends cat killing the plants!? Anyways, plants were 2 weeks away from being finished...the bud looks great (blue widow...bought from the attitude) but I don't know how well it will smoke once dried...
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    Is it too late?

    To start an outdoor grow this year??
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    Bud Cut Early

    Will I still get the good smell eventually? Or will that not happen?
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    Why does my bud look so good, but smells like hay? +rep

    If premature bud will get me high, I'm sure as hell going to smoke it. If it wont, then I'll just make hash.
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    Why does my bud look so good, but smells like hay? +rep

    My plants were cut down 2 weeks this going to leave the Chlorophyll taste once its done drying/curing? Also, I didnt have a chance to flush....will "water drying/curing work to take out the bad stuff?
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    250 Watt MH Grow with *PICS*

    What strain was this?
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    Bud Cut Early

    What's the best way to cure? Should I put the nugs in an open plastic bag in a dark drawer? Or should I not put them in a bag at all and just let them sit in the dark? Thanks guys!
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    Bud Cut Early

    I had 2 blue widow plants going at my buddy's place. This upcoming tuesday would be week #6 into flowering; Plant matures at 50-56 days. Apparently he left the door open one day and his cat really fucked them up so we had to cut them a few weeks early. Will this still be any good after it...
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    Moving Plants Outside from Inside??

    I was just reading up on the ISO hash!!! I think I'm going to do that! Thanks for the help guys...really is a shitty situation...but I don't want to get divorced.. The plants are blue widow...i ordered them from the attitude seed bank. They smell so good and I thought I did such a damn good job...
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    Moving Plants Outside from Inside??

    Well I'm about to commit a heinous act of Marijuana murder...going to chop down the girls :(...what a terrible day.
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    Moving Plants Outside from Inside??

    If I harvest what I have, after it dries will it be any good??
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    Moving Plants Outside from Inside??

    Please someone just tell me if I'm screwed..
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    Moving Plants Outside from Inside??

    So the wife is making me move my plants (about 3 feet tall and 4 weeks into flowering) outside. She is freaking out and just wants them gone. My question is: will moving the plants outside and disrupting the 12/12 cycle ultimately mess everything up??? Thanks for any help...I'm freaking out...
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    Going out of Town...

    My plants are in the 3rd week of is about 3 feet tall and the other is close behind. They are already on a timer as well. I was planning on having a buddy come by at least once or twice. I plan to water before I leave, so most likely they will only need 1 watering while I'm gone...
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    Going out of Town...

    I am going out of town tomorrow for a week. I'm not so sure I want to leave my 400watt HPS light on that long with no one here... Would it be okay to switch to fluorescents for a week? If so, which type bulb is best for flowering? Thanks
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    HPS light cutting off?

    Over the past 2 months my HPS light has gone out and I would turn off the balast and turn it back on and it would work. What is making my light go out, but the bulb is not dead? I bought a new bulb today and tempted to put it in, but I don't know if it needs a new bulb.. Thanks
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    How far away can I keep my light?

    My grow room is really hot and I'm trying to do everything possible to make it less hot. What is the farthest I can keep my 400watt HPS light from my plants without them stretching? Right now they are 18" away from the light...can I go even further?