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  1. X

    Advise needed with flushing and nutes..

    well, i dont water then feed then flush, all i do is feed, feed, feed, feed and so on, i dont have nute burn, but because all i do is feed, there must be a build up of salt in my soil mix to drop the ph in run off, in which case my plants are showing deficinceys as the ph level is to low and...
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    Are all trichs alike?

    Hi there, i cant asnswer all of your questions as i dont know if there is more than 1 kind of resin gland, but from what i know its the best indication of when to harvest. When the glands are clear they are not quite mature enough t get the full potential, the milky colour indicates maturity and...
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    Advise needed with flushing and nutes..

    Yeah, i have a ph meter, but they are not very acurate, any test i have done it shows the ph is pretty much nuetral
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    Advise needed with flushing and nutes..

    Hi there everyone, i would like to get some advise about flushing and feeding. Here is my Problem (question) It might sound dumb, but i'm new to this. I water my plant with nutes in the water and its ph'ing ant 6.6.( the feeding water that is) For the first time i decided to check the run off...
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    Nute burn,,Will they recover?

    gee, that is a lot of nute burn, are you saying that 75% of the plant has nute burn, normally it just starts at the tips, are you sure its not something else, do you have pics, and yes the will recover in time.
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    How much water per gallon of soil....?

    anyone else
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    How much water per gallon of soil....?

    Hi there everyone, i would just like to know if there is a percentage of water when watering your plants in Soil. Like 1 gallon of water per a 3 gallon pot. Any reference guide would be handy. Cheers.
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    Newbie seeks soil and nutrient advise, Have i got this right?

    Hi there to everyone at thc farmer, Im a first timer and i just wanted to know if im on the right track with my first grow. Ive recently germinated some seeds and i have planted them in a pots containing 1/4 perlite 1/4 vermiculite 1/4 peat moss 1/4 premium potting mix 1.Is this soil medium...
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    Humidity Tent Help!

    Sure is, as long as it contains humidity around it, it is. A heat mat will work well with it.
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    Help with young plant to move under 600 HPS

    Hi there everyone, this is my first grow, and i need some simple questions answerd.1. i have some young plants, about 2 weeks old, i was wondering when can i put them under my 600 watt hps light, some off them are really small and some have taken off really well, 2. when can i start giving them...
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    Newbie needs !! What is wrong with my plant...Help Please

    Hi there everyone, This is my first grow, and i only have one plant and i want to keep it alive so any advise would be really helpfull. For some reason, in the last week the a few of the lower tips of the leave are yellow and and the plant looks droopy, i have read a few articels and i believe...