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  1. D

    leaf me diagnose. pics

    I have a couple plants and the fan leaves on all of them tend to turn yellow and break out in brown spots. This is only happening on the bottom most fan leaves. Plants are about 5 weeks. I have a 400 watt HPS about 1 foot away from the tops of the plants. No foilage burn. Temp is 78-82...
  2. D

    Can I Transplant after sexing plant??

    I have a grow room that will fit 8 large enough pots to grow a plant. However i want to be sure that I use all of the space by having 8 females in those pots. The last grow I ended up only with two after losing 2 others as males. So my question is can I grow say 20 plants in smaller pots...
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    Fertilizer Question

    Thanks fattie J:eyesmoke:
  4. D

    Fertilizer Question

    i have looked into purchasing something different after your replies. thanks everyone. I have seen fertilizers that were 2-7-7, and a 2-10-10 which sounds good from what was said. what about a 0-10-10? Is that too little nitrogen and too much phosphate and potash? also saw one that was...
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    Fertilizer Question

    Just a quick question I know someone can help me with. I have some Miricle Grow fertilizer that has a make-up 4-12-4. Will this be alright for the flowering cycle?
  6. D

    This is what I got for $26,500 after tax and shipping.

    u said so yourself 'ur just a medium customer'....some may need several of the large tents together, especially if its an outdoor grow, you may be better off converting the room using just the tent material on the walls. this wait is too dramatic but look forward to seeing the results...goodluck...