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  1. K

    47% of Tea Baggers dont pay federal taxes hypocrisy insues

    I don't hate them for having an issue with the government. I hate them because so many of them are biggots who can't go one sentence without taking a shot at the "liberals". Just as I hate the liberals who start things like this thread in an attempt to trash the "teabaggers". Maybe if people...
  2. K

    Marijuana Documentary

    Amazing documentary. More people should check this out, I found it very enjoyable. REALLY felt terrible for yellow. That dude seemed like the most down to earth guy out of everyone, and it obviously really tore him up inside.
  3. K

    Pigs found my plants, Help

    also, on the phone he asked me if I smoked marijuana ,I told him no, He asked if I ever smoked, and I told him I used to. He asked if I was ever in trouble and I told him yes, I was arrested a few years back for paraphenalia and fleeing or eluding an officer (he would have access to this...
  4. K

    Pigs found my plants, Help

    Thanks a lot for the input guys. Im still really freaking out so any other tips are greatly appreciated.
  5. K

    Pigs found my plants, Help

    I live in a small town in PA. A good backup story would have been nice but the way i think of it, if its my prints and only my prints, and they are on the cups the plants are in, there is no denying it. There was no rain, and no dew, this shit was taken the same day i put i out. Like i said i...
  6. K

    Pigs found my plants, Help

    Edited for legal purposes, thanks for all the help guys. the youtube video was great too!