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  1. Old Man of the Sea

    Best in the World? Why can't I get high?

    I have worked with chemical addiction for many years and yes, you need to take time off. In youth, our liver is busy detoxing at a fast young rate. We are older now and so it builds up in your system and, as you know, in the fat cells of your body. Remember those munchies? They actually helped...
  2. Old Man of the Sea

    Best in the World? Why can't I get high?

    :peace: I have worked with chemical addiction for many years and yes, you need to take time off. In youth, our liver is busy detoxing at a fast young rate. We are older now and so it builds up in your system and, as you know, in the fat cells of your body. Remember those munchies? They...
  3. Old Man of the Sea

    2 and a half weeks in to flowering how am i doingplease comment

    Widdow, the girls are looking real nice. I have not grown that variet but fro the pics I have seen you are on target. Be sure to look around at the grow journals and you can get an idea. I do have a question, what lite set up are you using?The pics I have seen, the plants are very low and tight...
  4. Old Man of the Sea

    Trichomes Disappear?

    Thank you for your inpu. I do brush against my plants so thats a good reminder but I only do very little and the areas being checked are easy to get to and not brush them. I have a theory that the soil hyperflush (1galloon/plt) followed by darkness caused them to either 'suck up' or 'spit out'...
  5. Old Man of the Sea

    Requesting Confirmation of Diagnosis...and Solutions

    regarding your issue, I am a California Certified Nurseryman and so my knowledge extends far beyond cultivation of a single genus of plants, I say this not to Boast, but to establish credibility. First off, Nice Job, she is healthy and happy. A few leaves at the base of the plant turning...
  6. Old Man of the Sea

    Trichomes Disappear?

    Has anyone ever experienced a sudden loss of Trichomes on the foliage of a late stage bud? I know what I did leading up to the event and the plts were behaving pretty much right on the timelines I have seen here, i.e. I am at the beginning of my ninth week, and I am very close to harvest...
  7. Old Man of the Sea

    First crop is nearing Harvest Thx RIU

    Hey thanx Bud, I will post as soon as I can get the pics off my friends camera. I was wondering if you have a favorite grow Journal? You know, one that is set up well and is easy o read and understand. If so, link it into your reply Thx Old Man of the S O G
  8. Old Man of the Sea

    Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway

    Thnks bud i never knew this and I will be sure not to use or recommend their products anymore. I am a former landscaper and am currenlty working on getting my landscape Architecture degree. Knowledge is power.I have used it MG and found it helpful in addition to a complete and balanced...
  9. Old Man of the Sea

    First crop is nearing Harvest Thx RIU

    I have been growing for about a year now and I am getting my first real crop after a false start. I want to thank all the mods and members at RIU for the informative postings you have available on all topics. I was able to take care of all my questions just by searching threads. I will be...
  10. Old Man of the Sea

    First time grow. usin flouros and clfs

    Hey Bud, plants look nice but you will need more filling in on the buds. There are some good posts if you search using harvest, cure ,timing and search the newbie central threads. I had the same questions and the info I found was real helpful
  11. Old Man of the Sea

    Welcome New Members!

    Greetings, I come in Peace seeking knowledge. I am in the 5th wk of bloom in soil under 1000w HPS. Supposed to be SFV OG seed, current crop are clones of this seed. Good size buds, odor just beginning. I have a little bit of Onga gel but it is expensive. I am using Cha ching to finish the bloom...
  12. Old Man of the Sea

    Who actually harvests before 7 weeks

    Greetings to All I have never posted here before, I just looked up what I needed. Great posts as I am atweek 5 and was thinking I might only have a couple of weeks to go but from what I read here it will be at least two but more like 4 or more. I have what I was told is SFV OG in a closet grow...