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    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    I once read a post on a different forum where his grow was near a floor drain so he obtained a small blower unit and ducted it straight down the floor drain into the sanitary sewer. Untraceable to say the least.
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    1st Grow - WW Big Bud in Phototron

    Why would you not use the phototron for fruiting also?
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    My phototron dwc/low pressure aero hybrid

    What type of watering system are you using? I use the automatic watering system with mine and it consistently over-waters and kills the plants. Any help would be apprieciated.
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    Why we really aren't going to the moon....

    Because we have already been there. Should spend out resources on improving the velocity of our space craft and head for Mars.
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    Confusion About Religion?

    Bro, It isn't christianity that shunned you, it was humans. God didn't and doesn't shun you. Preachers, Popes, Rabbis, etc. are humans and have their failures and that includes their congregations. Your religious beliefs are between you and God and should be irrespective of the content of...
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    Evolution Or God?

    God is real and there is no doubt about it
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    Jock Horror Harvest

    Yours buds are gorgeous! Just awesome!
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    Should Obama sign this into Law?

    No he shouldn't sign the Copenhaven treaty and Cap and Trade should not be passed by the senate. Only a moron would but then again, Obama is a moron.
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    What's wrong with socialism?

    For one thing, in socialism, the government controls the means of production. You work your butt off while the other 10 people are get nowhere. Socialism takes initiative away for there is no reward. That sucks. And the tax rate is very high. You say socialists don't go to war as...
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    Religion Has Done More Bad Than Good

    Religion hasn't done bad things, people using religion to suit their own persons has done bad things.
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    Why the hell are people against free health care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    For one thing it won't be free. Taxes will be raised while quality of care will go down and besides when are we going to quit taxing the working person to constantly pay for those that don't. Get up off your lazy butt and go to work like the rest of us. You don't have health care but you have...
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    Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

    I would say long as weed doesn't run your life
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    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    I can't stand the idiot.
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    do you smoke cigarettes?

    I smoke marlboro (cowboy killers). Starting smoking cigs to cover up the smell of smoking dope in high school....almost 40 years ago.
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    Intelligent design

    Watch the movie "Expelled"
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    Creation vs Evolution vs Whatever Else

    I believe that God created everything through intelligent design. I don't believe in coincidence or it just happened by chance.
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    Dont FUCK with Americans!!!

    I hope it is true and the pirates became shark bait.:fire:
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    I have three phototrons and they work fine. Perfect? No. But considering that I live in a city and can't grow in my yard and only need enough for myself, they work fine. If a plant fails it is due to my experimenting with modifying it or trying to tweak it. One thing, you don't have to buy...