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  1. RawFishTankTopHat

    Blood Meal

    double bump lol! I was wondering this too!
  2. RawFishTankTopHat

    Ashes, compost, animals

    I know this is an oldy, but I'm wondering if this is the be all end all to the conversation. Does anyone have any different opinions on wood ash?
  3. RawFishTankTopHat

    bubbling tap water

    Then you have heard of de-chlorinators, if you've heard of prime. We've been keeping planted freshwater fish tanks for 5 years or so. I wouldn't go with prime (its probably the most expensive one!!!) also, most don't remove ammonia, that is an extra (bell&whistle) that seachem throws in. Just...
  4. RawFishTankTopHat

    bubbling tap water

    even if they don't put chloramine in your tap water, free floating ammonia in the water can bind to chlorine making chloramine; which, as you said, bubbling doesn't remove any of. Why mess with bubbling? Get the cheapest brand de-chlorinator from the aquarium section. It removes chlorine AND...
  5. RawFishTankTopHat

    Ashes, compost, animals

    I read on here that chicken manure breaks down fastest of manures. I have access to an old chicken coop that hasn't had chix for about 3 years. Will this be too broken down to worry about it adding much?? I'm thinking it will still be nutritive dirt, I just may not need to be worried about it...
  6. RawFishTankTopHat


    Yes, coco fiber is the same as coco coir. We had not heard anything about that, is it because it is more acidic(like peat moss)? If so, not sure how much a problem it will be. We have a liquid pH test kit for our aquariums, and our tap water is on the hard side at 7.8.
  7. RawFishTankTopHat


    Hello everyone!!! We( husband and wife) have been exploring this site for a few weeks and thought we would step up and say hi. We're planing-out our first potential grow. We have lots of odds and ends of potentially useful things lying around. Either from our houseplant hobby, our aquarium...
  8. RawFishTankTopHat

    what are good nutrients/fertilizers?

    Finally!! I was beginning to wonder if I'd missed something. Everyone keeps saying Miracle Gro, and Jack's are not ideal because their NPK values are not right for cannabis, but I haven't seen anyone say what NPK pot does prefer? That doesn't add up.
  9. RawFishTankTopHat


    For clarification, I meant in making your own organic mix. I have looked through organic recipes and see a lot of worm castings, bat guano, seaweed, bone meal, blood meal... I can't think of any others. When making your own mix, how much of these components do you use? What are their...
  10. RawFishTankTopHat


    Well the name says it all. I want to know the basics of organics. All I can find is people saying that its better because it tastes better, and its more natural/green, all that granola-hippy stuff.;-) While both of those sound good I'm curious about more specifics, such as: 1.If your soil is...