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  1. BushDoctor

    possible problem, about 8 weeks into flowering

    @ laserbrn: my second point refers to that being normal coming to the end of the grow. I agree wit u not trying anything drastic, but the explanation for that prob in the threat matched the pics.
  2. BushDoctor

    possible problem, about 8 weeks into flowering

    Check this here: just under figure 14, magnesium deficiency. But also note the comment on figure 10. Your not to far away are you? Good luck
  3. BushDoctor

    Take a look... Need Help!

    Check out this here: go to picture 18. I would say looks like Zinc deficiency, maybe iron deficiency (but not a pic there). Good luck
  4. BushDoctor

    Thin Stem... HELP!!!

    You should also try to get airflow straight onto the plant, the movement will make the stem grow stronger.
  5. BushDoctor

    What do you guys think I should do??

    I'd say get 1 extra light for the smaller one. Should also think about getting something for reflection from the side walls, could also line your reflector with tinfoil/aluminiumfoil. The lower fan leaves are stretching too much and that way they are to weak later on.
  6. BushDoctor

    Please help !!! pic´s

    check out this under zinc (figure 18 ). I'd say looks pretty much like it. I'd also up the ph a bit, but i'm pretty new here.