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  1. R

    cfl distance

    can cfls be TOO close? if so, whats the closest i can put them?
  2. R

    the leaves of my seedlins are pointed straight up

    i know rookie mistake too late to transplant? whats a simple soil mixture i can put them in?
  3. R

    the leaves of my seedlins are pointed straight up

    i think they are dying to be hoenst i didnt do enough research before i started. miracle grow soil with not enough drainage. could this be it? tey were planted a little over a week ago
  4. R

    the leaves of my seedlins are pointed straight up

    ok so last night they were pointed straight up and looking healthy this morning they look crippled and shrivling not sure how to post pictures
  5. R

    the leaves of my seedlins are pointed straight up

    normal or something wrong? lemme know
  6. R

    lights yall

    using 2 100 watt daylight cfls and one 150 watt soft light cfl. good to mix these or should i just stick to daylight during veg? help me out riuuuuuuu
  7. R

    question about ppm

    tested my waters ppm and got a reading of 0. whats a good level for it to be? and does it really matter?
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    have a few seedlings need some help!

    the other two are looking fine though could it be because its just a different strain?
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    have a few seedlings need some help!

    hey guys, I planted 3 germinated seeds about a week ago and one isn't looking too good. It's leaves are furling over a little bit and it looks like the edges are white. I read it could be because of overfertilization? My plants are in soil with plant food, is it worth transplanting into better...
  10. R

    should i use this plant bulb??

    btw growing with cfls right now wondering if this would be a good addition
  11. R

    should i use this plant bulb??

    60 watt "plant light" from GE. bulb is type A and blue will this be worthwhile on my plants?
  12. R

    someone school me on some ph knowledge

    i have 2 100 watt cfls aimed with focused light fixures about an inch away and ive been watering from the bottom with tap water for the first 2 days but yesterday switched over to stream water. still wondering how to go about testing the ph of my soil if my pots dont drain...
  13. R

    someone school me on some ph knowledge

    oops, planted 3 days ago
  14. R

    someone school me on some ph knowledge

    im pretty sure my seedlings have a fucked up ph right now the stems are purple and not showing too much growth. they were planted 2 3 days ago and I'm going to get a ph reader as well. How can i test the ph of my soil if i have my seedlings in disposable cups that dont really drain but just soak...
  15. R

    when should i use a uv light?

    anybody?? i have three seedlings planted 3 days ago just wondering when i should be looking to use these if ever
  16. R

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    got a question here what works better, watering from the bottom of the plant or from the top. I planted my seedlings a few days ago and have been only watering from the bottom. any thoughts?
  17. R

    Tap Water, Mineral Water, Purified Water or Distilled Water???

    what about stream water does that work well also?
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    when should i use a uv light?

    i hear uv lights increase thc but when do i use them? also what kind of bulb works well?
  19. R

    when should i put my plant under uv?

    i hear it helps increase thc but not sure what stage to do this or for how long. also, what bulbs and wattage should i use?
  20. R

    my soil has plant food in it

    am i fucked? should i just scrap it now or can my little guys still make it?