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  1. D

    drill bits for glass, success!

    yea i was thinking of that too, cause everytime i go in there i always see vases and stuff and i say to myself, that would make a sweet bong
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    drill bits for glass, success!

    so today i bought a 4 pack of RYOBI glass and tile drilling bits at home depot, in order to try and make a bong out of a glass bottle. (typically i dont buy ryobi tools cause they are crap, but this set of 4 was the cheapest, and i didnt want to pay alot) anywho, i got to my shop and set up the...
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    just might be the coolest things happend to me while stoned

    he is such a chill cat, and such a total spaz at the same time, he is hilarious, we have a 2 year old puppy of a dog and the to of them play together and nap together, after only a week! and we didnt have to train the cat at all, its a baby, but it just prefers to do its business in the...
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    just might be the coolest things happend to me while stoned

    this is kinda long, but bare with me so on sunday morning my mom got ready with my little brother and went to church, and my dead went off to work. Their commotion of getting ready woke me a little, but i wasnt about to get up at 8:00 AM on my first day off from work in a few weeks. so as soon...
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    can i start on 12/12 light, or too soons?

    can i start LST-ing the plants now and put them on 12/12 or should i keep on using 20/4 approx. (i dont have a timer) until the LST is well underway?
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    can i start on 12/12 light, or too soons?

    i have two plants growing inside and in a grow box, and they are a little over a month old, they are about as big as i can handle in my space, so i am wondering if i can just switch them to 12/12 lighting to start the bud growing stage early. i know i can get more bud off a bigger plant, but my...
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    Trippiest Things To Do While High On The Bud

    i agree with whoever said acid, good call anywho the trippiest thing that i have done while really baked, and i definatly recommend it to you, cause its fun sober, and even more fun high, is taking your sell phone then calling your house phone, and hold each one up to a different ear, and just...
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    If pot was legalized......

    I think if obama were to try to legalize it, then he would wait till his next term in office, because he wants to be re-elected and he doesnt want such a risky thing associated with him until after elections in '12, then he might give it a try!
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    you can get all kinds of crazy shit for under $100 often more you can get like tall thin bongs that are real long, or ytou can get really wide and intricate like 2 foot bongs for the same price. you can get reall nice bongs by kaos for like 65-75 bucks, they are all crazy colors and shit. i am...
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    eye drops

    that sounds so good i might just try it even though i dont need the any eye drops right now
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    Don't you just love spring.

    i love the spring, i smoked myself a nice joint, went outside and just enjoyed the nice weather. little bit of hackey-sack in the sun is always nice. come to think of it i dont know why im inside :peace:
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    Not nearly as enjoyable....

    MAKE A SPOOF dryer sheets in a paper towel tube while under a sheet, and you are fin, then just air out the sheet! i like sneaking outside to smoke, its always an adventure
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    eye drops

    that sounds delightful, especially for after getting out of car that is hot and full of smoke, cause when you fishbowl a car it gets so hazy and warm too:joint:
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    eye drops

    i was thinking that maybe putting eye drops in the fridge would be real nice like as cold as you could get it without freezing it. i wonder if you could feel the coldness, you probably could
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    Catastrophe with plant

    Today i was rearranging my grow box which has two 1 month old plants in it and they are doing alright. I push the larger of the two to the side to get the smaller one and i pushed it into my fan which is drawing air out of box, so it sucked it in luckily it only took off one branch. which leads...
  16. D

    eye drops

    What is your preferred eye drops to use when your eyes are all squinty and red so i know most people are thinking "fuck that i dont use eye drops, i dont need to anymore" well then how about when you used to need them? Are there any tricks that you know that work better? my favorite if i can...
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    FINALLY i get to smoke!

    after spending the last month and a half not smoking at all and drinking quite a bit of water (just to be safe) i get to light up a nice fat joint i had to take a piss test for a job and i had to miss for twenty, by TWO DAYS!, i just got home from work, but i have no car and no bud, so i have to...
  18. D

    heroin*******piss test****help

    45 days and still came back positive for thc?!?! that sucks, i stopped very early marck and should be taking the test in a week or two (i know, no 4/20 for me im bummed) i drink quite a bit of water, not always a gallon a day, but 50 days plus a good amount of water, i should probably be fine
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    Free Thing to Smoke Bud In

    take all your weed roll it in a coffee filter, but not joint style. what you wanna do is cut the filter so it a rectangular (like a rolling paper but bigger) and spread your weed evenly over the whole thing and rolling it up so its like layers of paper and weed, smoke that using multiple safety...
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    probably toke 'n talk