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  1. M

    My Clone From Leaf Experiment

    if you use tissue sample and used controlled conditions you can clone tissue but sticking a leaf in dirt? i doubt it and to be honest i don't have time do you?
  2. M

    Clones dying please help! Pics!

    i never transplant into pots i use solo cups with holes in them then to pots i also roll the cups in my hands to break up the soil once week
  3. M

    Clones dying please help! Pics!

    okay a few questions 1) what soil 2) what kind of water? tap/ Ro? did you use b when you transplanted?
  4. M

    spider mite

    not to give ya any shit but mites love low humidity.
  5. M

    Clones dying please help! Pics!

    1) do not over water them let the soil dry out a bit 6) spray them a little and no Fertilizer bust a bit of b vitamin if you want. but that is it the soil will likely have sokme nutes in already
  6. M

    Spider mites kicking my ass

    i have tried everything but cant stop them. will sulfur work? i have used azatrol i am 2 weeks into flower please help!
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    looking to build my own vertical grow system

    ok so you want to go vert fine you should start by telling us hoe much light you want what is your comfort level 2000 watts? 4000? once i know what you want and how much space you have ill b e happy to help ya
  8. M

    looking to build my own vertical grow system

    fuck risky the only risky part is using too much power.
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    my new grow at 4 weeks

    og 18 blueberry bubba kush and afgoo afgoo is a pain in the ass wont be doing it again too fucking sensitive
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    my new grow at 4 weeks

    in the final stages and starting to flush flush will got for 2 weeks then i clip them . they fucking stink like all hell. i veg until they hit around 2 feet tall.
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    my new grow at 4 weeks

  12. M

    Venting through the sewers

    the problem is how to tie in past the vent stacks and not have the air back up and blowout them anyway. even if you were to say remove a toilet and tie into the pipe you still have the vent stack to deal with. and as you know you better never have the fan stop or it will stink something awful.
  13. M

    Does anybody know where I can get a grow tent in Ontario

    go to and get one shipped. if you go to Ebay you may end up with one of those bad Tents. a bunch of bad tents are being pushed on ebay and they will kill plants. Get a silver Edition. they are awesome i have one and it rocks.
  14. M

    Venting through the sewers

    there are Several issues with this one there is a water trap involved. Removal of this traap can cause some bad stuff to enter your room. Starting with explosive gas. and some foul smells. and Rats and other Vermin.
  15. M

    Waterfall effect

    what grow media are you using?
  16. M

    help maxx out 78x78x78 grow tent + rep

    no need for cool tubes if your hoods are vented simply throw a passive 6 inch duct into your intake at floor level with pantyhose on the end to keep the bugs out. then slap the filter on the 6 inch fan and duct though both lights and vent out problem solved!
  17. M

    what to tell electrician?

    2 pieces of advise #1 do not under any circumstances boost power. #2 Pay your power bill . what the fuck does the power company care they are in the business of selling power. use as much as you like. my computer has a 1200 watt power supply and it runs 24-7 trust me they don't give a...
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    the new room

    i will be taking better pictures today. stay tuned.
  19. M

    the new room

    Actually i have 2 rooms. the first is 7 by 6 foot for mothers and clones. the second room is for flowering and it is 7 by 11 feet. the room is still being built but it is pretty close. i have included some images. I have passive intakes with 4 foot baffled offsets sprayed flat black...
  20. M

    help maxx out 78x78x78 grow tent + rep

    couple of possibilities what you really need is 4 lights but that will cost you some bucks. here is what i recommend. get yourself a second 1000 watt light and then get yourself a mover. as movers go not all are created equal so get this one. you can get them...