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  1. M

    tiny white bugs??

    here is a picture it is hard to see but it is center of the leaf along the spine
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    tiny white bugs??

    ok i have these really small allmost microscopic little white bugs walking all over my stems and leaves but they do not seem to do any harm. they are thin and long but microscopic you really have to look to see them. any idea what they are??? they are white and long and thin and you cant...
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    my friend you are in luck the fix is simple what you need is BT it is sold under many brands you simply spray the shit out of all your plants and the bastards DIE!!!! it is not toxic but i would not use it during flower! good luck!!!
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    Spray sugar water on my buds

    here is th e thing tho it is proven fact that complex sugars are what a plant needs. plants use sugars by utilizing root uptake this is hardly cheating. the sugars in molasses are a nutrient just as any other nutrient. if it were not the plant would not bother with it. the fact that it...
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    1000watt heat

    you are growing in shed in the sun you could blow ice cold air through the cool tub and never get it cool. th light is not the problem bro it is the room itself. sheds are like ovens so what you need is an AC unless you AC the shed it will not work
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    Bottom leaves dieing, is this normal?

    pretty normal i would not worry remove them and get them out of the area. as the lowers die off the uppers get more juicy!!
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    Spray sugar water on my buds

    what is just an old wives tale??? are you insinuating that we would lie to the man because we are jealous??? please tell us all what we are jealous of?? i have not even seen the mans grow
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    Sugar, Blueberry.

    jacking your plants up in the junkie style of old Ring Dang do sounds like a bad idea. however if you want to play the flavor game i would Start here i have never used this product as i kind of feel it is cheating. i mean seriously people i...
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    Spray sugar water on my buds

    molasses flush? the idea came to me when i started understanding why the flush. we flush to remove the salts from the nutes. so for me i flush in soil so i am generally flushing for around 2 weeks. i dont want to have my plants hurting during the last 2 weeks 2 weeks is a long time to just...
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    Spray sugar water on my buds

    i was considering Gravity but it is sooo easy to screw up with it. it can cause big issues if you over use it. they even warn you on the bottle less is better and it is expensive as all hell molasses has just about no down side. i break a bottle in half and shake it with water and then...
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    Spray sugar water on my buds

    i felt i should chime in on the issue. never spray your bud with anything after harvest. as for molasses. i am a soil grower i use half a bottle of it in 5 gallon of water with my nutes every time i feed. i feed once a week and give them ro water with Every other Day besides that. oh...
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    Mixed Grow (Medical)

    first 2 are images of my Co2 system. i dose 10 lb of Dry ice a day the plants love it!!! the second image s are my big buds one is looking to be about 2 feet long and keeps getting thcker
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    Mixed Grow (Medical)

    closeup of the trichs
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    Mixed Grow (Medical)

    ok here ya go her is a hi rez image at 30 days!
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    Mixed Grow (Medical)

    been a while but i finally got a chance to take some pictures 30 days into flower. hope ya like them the Hydrohut silver has had no problems what so ever. and the plants are growing like crazy. keeping the temps down has been no problem either i have been at 82 max with 2 1000 watt...
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    Mixed Grow (Medical)

    this is a test to make sure my upload works!
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    Mixed Grow (Medical)

    the plants are really active they simply grow through it the second i walk away ill re pull the net every day untill the plants bend over
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    Mixed Grow (Medical)

    second net to control height. ti aint working LOL
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    Mixed Grow (Medical)

    no idea why
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    plants getting too tall

    what should i do?? i was thinking of bending them any suggestions?