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  1. C

    Plants lookin bad, any help appreciated

    well brasmith, i flushed plant A, and its still alive and what leaves survived are turning green again, but no growth. Plant B, fed it some mg, and its done a total 180 turn around. shot up about 4 inches since your advise. I dont know if Plant A will survive or not, but atleast I have a good...
  2. C

    Crazy Mother F#cking Growing Experements

    the thing I would consider when trying these out is to use clones for the experiment, because if you use bagseed, each seed may have a different father, or be from a hermie, so the genetics of the seeds may not be the same even though they came from the same bag, clones would help assure that...
  3. C

    Noob tryin it with cfl's

    Try to fit a bowl of water in your box, that'll raise the humidity
  4. C

    Spread The Seed

    This is actually a good idea, if enough people did this enough times, it would face our government with a choice, legalize it, or spend the un-godly amount of money to go through and iradicate the entire wild mj pupolation. +rep for the future of our cause man.:clap:
  5. C

    Obama addresses the LEGALIZE question today!!

    This is ridonkulous, the major flaw in this arguement is that the only reason there are drug cartels, is because there is a black market in our country for drugs, its profitable for these people to smuggle drugs into ours, if malboro, and phillip moriss, and even freakin Wal-mart got in on the...
  6. C

    Plants lookin bad, any help appreciated

    Thanks brasmith, I'll give it a shot, and post back if they dont get better. p.s.- as a side note, the food I'm using is Peters Professional, said it "promotes a vigorous start" but I wont be using it anymore, and also you mention high P being bad for flowering, I thought high P was the way to...
  7. C

    Plants lookin bad, any help appreciated

    finally got some pics, let me know if it helps, I think Plant A is gonna die soon if I cant find out what this is, but it will still be good to know for future reference.
  8. C

    Plants lookin bad, any help appreciated

    nah, not flowering, was hoping to have them atleast into full leaf development to sex them by now. its supposed to stimulate strong root growth, atleast thats what the bottle says, but I thought the same thing when I saw the ratio.
  9. C

    Plants lookin bad, any help appreciated

    It's supposed to be a root stimulating fert. The consentration is 1/2 ounce per gallon of water. they are both about 4 inches, and about 1 month old. cfls are 3x100 watts, lights are about 1 1/2 inches from plants. 3 cfl's because there is a 3rd plant in there but she seems to be ok.
  10. C

    People found my plants!!!!!

    Lol, yet another reason why bongs kick ass.bongsmilie
  11. C

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    so whats everybody up to today?
  12. C

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Hey twisty, hows it goin man?
  13. C

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    lol, I just enjoy talking to other stoned people. Not sure why though cause its hardly ever produtive, lol.:eyesmoke:
  14. C

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Well, I'm awake, I'm baked, and I'm bored. But I just found this thread, so I may have so entertainment.
  15. C

    Plants lookin bad, any help appreciated

    Hey guys, 1st time grower here in desperate need of some guidance. these are 2 plants I'm dealing with and here is as in depth of a description as I can give, if more info is needed please let me know what you need and I will try my best to get it. my plant food has a NPK of 4-16-8 strong start...
  16. C

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    hey man, 1st time grower here, and from what i"ve read on here i believe my plant has a sulphur deficiency, but I cant find anything on how to fix this, only about adding it before you plant. any help would be greatly appreciated.