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  1. dmalsh

    Super skunk auto in homemade cabinet 48x3 LED

    I'm also working on a small space grow but it's not all that small. Homemade poly tent. 4x4 flower and 3x4 veg. Both 300 watt full spectrum led. Posts like this help everyone.
  2. dmalsh

    What makes me happy? Creating life in simulated conditions. Growing medicine that works for me...

    What makes me happy? Creating life in simulated conditions. Growing medicine that works for me in a molecular scale. Choosing nature
  3. dmalsh

    Super skunk auto in homemade cabinet 48x3 LED

    Take a clone or two. I've taken my last bunch of clones from my plants within the first week of flower. With the additional preflower beginning the plants are supposed to grow much bushier.
  4. dmalsh

    Super skunk auto in homemade cabinet 48x3 LED

    Indica is the way to be. I like the shorter ladies. This is my first run with hydro in rockwool. Took me a couple months to get the right ppm and nute amounts. LED also a first. The lady on the bottom left suffered my learning curve but looks to be healing up great, she's day 18 today in flower...
  5. dmalsh

    Purple Kush Sex guess

    Here's the day six shot from my undetermined sex
  6. dmalsh

    Super skunk auto in homemade cabinet 48x3 LED

    Looks good! I avoid soil/soilless mixes like the plague. Haven't read all the posts but it looks kushie. Indica dominant?
  7. dmalsh

    Purple Kush Sex guess

    Other five are on day 6
  8. dmalsh

    Purple Kush Sex guess

    Here she is day 16
  9. dmalsh

    Purple Kush Sex guess

    Shes my first hydro woman. Shes day 16 today looking great. Ill upload some pictures day 21
  10. dmalsh

    Purple Kush Sex guess

    :weed::P:weed: :bigjoint:
  11. dmalsh

    Purple Kush Sex guess

    It's the only growth that looks different. I know how to sex. Just seeing if earlier signs exist that some people out there may already know aside from the first pistols or pollen sacs
  12. dmalsh

    Purple Kush Sex guess

    In the first picture. The close up. The fan leafs stem is leading directly to the thing I think is going to shoot a pistel. I may be wrong might just be young node
  13. dmalsh

    Purple Kush Sex guess

    In the first picture. The close up. The fan leafs stem is leading directly to the thing I think is going to shoot a pistel. I may be wrong might just be young node
  14. dmalsh

    Purple Kush Sex guess

    Day 8 into flower****
  15. dmalsh

    Purple Kush Sex guess

    Take a guess what sex this purple kush plant will be. 300 watt led grown in hydro/dw . Had some issues as she's my first (she being optimistic). I had gotten a little ahead of myself and invested a lot of time in a veg room first. She's the mother of 13 healthy clones and the clones have also...
  16. dmalsh


    As a fellow stoner, Good luck, i'm gonna go get high.
  17. dmalsh


    Yes you wanna keep the lights on the whole time. I've grown under my apartments kitchen light many times. I keep the plants about 6 inches away from the florecent tube.
  18. dmalsh


    Turning the lights out causes initial harm to the plant. Allow the plant to grow towards the light and you should be fine.
  19. dmalsh


    Try changing your lighting to 24hrs for about a week after sprouting.
  20. dmalsh

    Growing in Atlantic Canada

    All I need is an overview