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  1. reffermadness

    1st Time grow - Hydro/Aero

    like the set up, is that vinyl fence post your using? Im using them and like it, beats the price of store bought units! Looking foreward to ur grow hope it goes well.
  2. reffermadness

    shocked from transplant

    I take it that ur using soil so it depends on what kind, if ur using a quality soil there should be plenty of nutrients in the new soil, make sure to ph your water and NOT over water and it sould turn around, How long as it been since you transplanted?
  3. reffermadness

    What's Going On Here?

    My first guess would not be your well water, I am also on a well and it is very hard 700 PPM however I run a R.O. filter but still prefer to root my cloans on straight well water (I found they root faster, don't know why) Are you checking the PH of your water, what medium are you using? looks...
  4. reffermadness

    drooping and some yellow dying!

    I agree with the other posts also looks like those plants are a little small to be in those big buckets, at that size use one gallon buckets until there root bound then transplant, I know it more work and makes a mess but it's well worth it.
  5. reffermadness

    Name the problem! Aeroponics@150ppm

    For sure the PPM needs to be higher, at six weeks old im running 1000 PPM, slowly raise the PPM to 600 and if you see no problems go to 1000. your plants are starving man FEED THEM!
  6. reffermadness

    It's a weed how could I F##K it up!!!!

    Thanks for the reply, I had no idea I should have the PPM up that high, will make the adjustment ASAP glad there is some where I can go for help thanks a lot!
  7. reffermadness

    It's a weed how could I F##K it up!!!!

    I first noticed that the plants started to have VERY slow growth and were turning light yellow starting at the bottom with the tips of the leaves dying and they are droopy with no change after watering, then a couple of weeks later some of the plants started to develop small brown spots on the...