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  1. W

    new leaves are very slim

    allright then, thanks for your responses! i hope youre right!
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    new leaves are very slim

    im watering with ph 5.8 water, but sometimes the runoff is 6.4.. okay i have pics:
  3. W

    new leaves are very slim

    thanks for the fast answer. yes i know that they plant is healthy and everything, but i dont think this is normal, the new grow is fully developed like im said, with all the 6 or 7 leave but they are slim! this didnt happened before! i made a pic (lol sorry): previously the new leave look like...
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    new leaves are very slim

    my plants are three weeks old, i grow them under 400w hps. they are in coco. i feed them with advanced hydroponics micro. they growing the 4. leaveset now. the temperature is 78-80 with the lights on 71 when off. the newly growing leaves are fully developed, but they are really thin. why? is...
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    Somethings wrong with my plants could you please take a look and give any info

    i have the same problem with 3 different strains, so it's not genetics i guess. did you do anything? how are they doing now?
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    the seeds cracked the surface in ONE day:) last time this took one week.. they produce visible grow in hours! I think coco was a really good decision:)
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    i just planted my seeds in coco, how much nutes must i add to the water, about 1/4 of recommended is okay? my nutes NPK is 13/4.5/6.5 thats my first grow ever, i really don't wnat to kill them
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    why don't get bigger?

    my seedling is in soil and perlite mix, I grow them under 400W HPS, about 40 inch away from the seedlings. the max temperature is about 84 degrees. this seedling is 9 days old, and she don't grow:-? what is the problem? this is my first grow, help me pls!
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    Noob indoor grow - 12/12 from seed

    day 9 3 of them grow nice, just begin to grow the second pair of leaves, but 1 is very little, dont know what the problem is. on the first 2 pics is the biggest one and on the 3rd is the little.. why don't she grow?
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    12/12 From seed to Harvest (1 oz Honies)

    I have a black cat too, he just killed one of my seedlings I think:) your plants are nice actually, looks like 12/12 from seed is not so bad as many people say
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    Noob indoor grow - 12/12 from seed

    today my fuckin little black cat pulled out one of my little plants...:-? little bastard.. she's very week now, i think her root is hurt a little. hope she don't gonna die. :sad: i have a question: my plants are 6 days old, when do they grow the second pair of leaves? they are the same height...
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    Noob indoor grow - 12/12 from seed

    Hey all I barely speak english, but I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say:) This is my first grow and I use the 12/12 from seed method. I know all the bad things about 12/12 from seed, so pls don't post anything about this! Im using a 400W HPS and I planted 9 seeds in soil and...