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  1. C

    post yours

    anyone ? :bigjoint:
  2. C

    post yours

    anyone got pics ?
  3. C

    post yours

    i love flavored skins there brilliant , ive never tried the grape ones ill have to buy some next time :D
  4. C

    post yours

    i know the feeling :roll: but not right now :eyesmoke:
  5. C

    post yours

    well lets see what your smoking guys :bigjoint: and lets see who has got rolling skill heres mine and by all means im not the best roller :lol: get posting :-P Sam
  6. C

    my little baby

    well this is my first indoor grow ive done and its going well :hump: but how long untill its smokable ? cheers
  7. C

    SAD lighting ?

    ok cheers:)
  8. C


    oh ok , cheers guys nd i was asking :-P
  9. C

    SAD lighting ?

    ok cheers mate
  10. C


    i know this will sound daft but if u put a few dried fruit in my grinder and put them in a joint , would it taste nice , or even smoke ? :lol:
  11. C

    Help on growing in the UK

    yea last year i had 2 blue cheese plant one was 11 ounces and other 9:mrgreen::eyesmoke:
  12. C

    SAD lighting ?

    ? anyone now :shock:
  13. C

    how do u keep a plant under 4 ft and get buds

    to keep a plant small cut the main stem after 3 weeks to where you want it , its also called dwarf planting
  14. C

    SAD lighting ?

    ok you know the sunlight disorder SAD could you use one of those artificial sunlight boxes for growing ? :lol:
  15. C

    Help on growing in the UK

    get a small green house , even a cheap plastic one will help mate , this is my second time round growing outdoor in uk , im in aberdeen , but its easy enough , if its warm enough go for it you could also put them in the sun in the day with a clear plastic bag over them and take them in after...
  16. C

    Dealer gets prankd by some guy ^^ funny shit !

    if i did that to one of the dealers around here , i would probably get stabbed lol
  17. C

    Greetings Rollituppers

    welcome to RIU mate :weed:
  18. C

    fresh meat XD

    hello there people , well names sam , i stay in aberdeen scotland , and have all my life kinda boring here but i get good green :hump: but yea just started my second grow , brainstorm and blue cheese :weed: well hey guys , all good ?