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  1. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    hiya! havent posted in ages so i thought id update... harvested two of the 3 plants with just over an oz total. not very much i know but the plant with the highest yield is yet to come. My little indica produced some gorgeous buds with a very nice 'stoney' smoke. didnt have batteries for...
  2. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    heres some more recent pics. the first pic is the one that i thinks more indica and the other 2 are of the plant thats much larger. its got ALOT more bud on it aswell. both smell amazing but the plant in pic 1 is abit cheesy smelling. very sickly.. and theyre sooo crystally. think im geting...
  3. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    camera died after takin these 2 pics (eats batteries). both the same plant
  4. spooj

    AK47,Blueberry,Blue Cheese,Super silver haze 600w 12/12 from seed. 2nd grow

    its more the whole package than just the quality of the weed. when i went it was august, amazingly sunny and not a drop of rain (aparently quite rare even for the summer). cant imagine a more enjoyable joint than sitting on a canal bank in the sun with my girlfriend getting high and watching...
  5. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    just bought some vitax african violet feed thats 15:30:15 with trace elements. says its a high phosphate soluble feed to help maintain blooms and encourage flowering. hope it does the trick!
  6. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    my mates buying an oz of the stuff so i think he was happy with it too! you never know tho, it could just be anything and the guys just called it that himself. the buds on mine are realy coming along now but i still havent got any high phos nutes in there which i realy realy should. will try...
  7. spooj

    AK47,Blueberry,Blue Cheese,Super silver haze 600w 12/12 from seed. 2nd grow

    how was it in amsterdamn? when i went there was no smoking ban. has it changed much?
  8. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    bought a bag of wonder woman today. nice buzzy smoke and it keeps making me want to smile ^^ hope one of mine has a similar high
  9. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    thnx for checking it out m8. on a very tight budget lol from what ive read tinfoil can work if you use the dull side to reflect but ill look into it more. its realy cheap tho which is useful do you think theyre going slowly or doing ok? i also have no idea what strain they are so if you can tell...
  10. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    I think this one might be an indica And this one looks abit more spread out so could it be a sativa?
  11. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    first sign of trichs coming through on the leaves closest to the buds. theyre actually fatening up quite quickly now! about 3 weeks into flowering and id guess at least 6 to go...
  12. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    - not a bad leaf on the plants at the moment so theyre happy... guessing the nutes and lighting are their limiting factor, making them grow a bit slow - there was always going to be problems with using video boxes to hold up the lights so when they finally decided to jump on the plants abit...
  13. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    sorry its taken me so long to reply! pretty sure the tubes are 5ft. had to redo my grow area due to a light falling on plant accident... woops. no real damage tho, just bent a fan leaf or 2 but theyre fully recovered and are pointing slightly upwards again. ye it is cool here bob! learnt...
  14. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    thats good to know. i was worried they wouldnt do as well because they didnt veg for as long. i forgot to mention earlier that the fluros are only 2x68w. ones completely white and the others got a sort of orange tinge to it. theyre not for growing realy but iv got my fingers crossed for an oz a...
  15. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    will get onto that after the weekend. ill be working away so pointless to start and leave it half done. i love not seeing them for a couple of days.. always amazes me how much they grow. ooh and your grow room is actually incredible
  16. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    ooooh i thought i needed to direct the light towards them as much as possible. should i replace it with something else or just do without?
  17. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    erm no. i wouldnt know where to start. dont have the funds for anything pricey either. this is my entire toolset - watering can (my mums), airbed pump to circulate the air a little (10 seconds a day?), and my trusty miracle grow oh and this is what the entire corner looks like now...
  18. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    cheers! seen alot of your posts.. clearly a pro. im just hoping i dont get sent to prison for posting this on the net lol
  19. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    hope thats all working so u can see. Iv had a little crack at spruning but nothing drastic and all theyve been fed is very small amounts of miracle grow... now im sort of unsure what to do next or if i should just leave them to it
  20. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    This is where im upto today... flowering with 2 definute females, one male whose being removed and two that are too small to tell. sadly there was nowhere else for them to go so theyre getting the same lighting as the ones that are flowering. hopefully theyl just conform and do the same pretty...