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  1. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    sorry if these seem abit random but im just finding these pics as i go. this should show just how basic were talking yes they are indeed video boxes. improvising where nescesary
  2. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    They got alot stronger and shot up after a couple of weeks
  3. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    This was about when i switched lights
  4. spooj

    First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup

    This is my first every grow and im just looking for a little advice. The whole idea behind this for me was so i can stop dealing with your average cannabis selling tosser and save my hard earned cash. As you will be able to see this is very basic but it seems to be going ok, although maybe a...