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  1. Panther33

    My First Grow - Closet

    Well if you want to keep the mother for clones i think your going to have to make a seperate room for the lighting cchanges.
  2. Panther33

    First time build of cfl lamp

    Damn man looks friggen nice.
  3. Panther33

    CFL Longevity ???

    i pretty sure after time the lumens on CFLs go down so i would replace them and put the old ones in a lamp or some shit around the house.
  4. Panther33

    AWW tips burned???

    So i just started this guy under 18/6 and i noticed the bottom set of leaves(?) are yellowing/browning. not sure whats the cause, maybe its gettin to hot for it and burning but im not sure. heres a pic
  5. Panther33

    18/6 Cylce Starting Veg :pics:

    ok sweet thanks guys.
  6. Panther33

    18/6 Cylce Starting Veg :pics:

    hey i got a quick question, ive been looking for this every where and couldnt find the answer, i got a sprout about 5 days or so old, when would i switch over to 18/6???
  7. Panther33

    Stealth Hydro grow

    Looks like a good spot. in the first pic on the tv is that save by the bell??
  8. Panther33

    Carbon Filter question

    Ok so im making a box and i was looking around and found i was wondering if it matters weather its inside of the box or outside of it.Which way works the best or do they work equally as good??
  9. Panther33

    Help with PC grow design

    I think you should have left the wires on the Power supply, well at least the 24 Pin one. I know if strip in the ends of the wires on the fan and plug them into the 24 pin connector it will work, BUT im not to sure what slots they are. I read on here, in another thread, which ones too but i...
  10. Panther33

    A few questions

    Hey im somewhat new to growing. and im wondering what seeds would be the best for inside and what site is trustworthy to deliver to the states.