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  1. lildogbyte

    Insane looking leaves

    Sup everybody! Just looking for some opinions on what the cause of this appearance is. I don’t even know what I would look up to find other examples. Plant is mid-late flower, I think.
  2. lildogbyte

    Skunk #1 Autos ~ Sensi Seeds US

    Day 24 [9/07/24] It's been a minute! C'est la vie. The plants are looking decent. BB looks pretty crazy! BB: Lefty: Righty: The Beast: (was placed outside, obviously, for better or worse remains to be seen) BB next to a ruler: We top dressed them today with some nute mix amended into...
  3. lildogbyte

    Skunk #1 Autos ~ Sensi Seeds US

    Day 15 [08/29/24] Allo! Today (yesterday, day 14, technically) I was informed is a good point to top dress my auto-flowering babes, but I see only one babe with the power. Yes, the bonus bean! And I’m not gonna top dress her since she’s already an ‘extra’ :roll: Maybe if I have some extra good...
  4. lildogbyte

    Skunk #1 Autos ~ Sensi Seeds US

    Day 9 [08/23/24] Righty: Lefty: Sorry, I use my phone for these pics and I was uploading from there so I didn't realize on a big screen they appear out of focus, even if just slightly. Anyways, slow progress for now. You can see that lefty has burnt tips on her new growth, and righty has...
  5. lildogbyte

    Skunk #1 Autos ~ Sensi Seeds US

    Day 3 [08/17/24] Righty: Lefty: Bonus: So you may notice on the bonus that there’s a little friend! This made me super happy to see, because this girl is in random leftover soil from other plants in my backyard. Now I know that there is mycelial growth, and I didn’t even need to add any myco...
  6. lildogbyte

    Skunk #1 Autos ~ Sensi Seeds US

    Day 1 [08/15/24] I was gettin a lil worried there, but 4 days later we have a sprout! The other seed is rooted, but still not quite ready to pop. The shells on these seeds seem extra tough. I have a bonus bean growing alongside these as an “experiment,” and it was the first to shoot up and it...
  7. lildogbyte

    Skunk #1 Autos ~ Sensi Seeds US

    Day 0 [08/11/24] 7? gallon pots Pride Lands potting soil 2 skunk #1 auto seeds from Sensi Seeds *1st actual grow attempt* Step 1: smoke a bowl Step 2:
  8. lildogbyte

    Hey , Dummy Grow a Plant - Simple Soil Container Growing

    Oh my lanta man you are literally my idol right now ! You listed all the strains I wanna eventually grow so I can breed my own cross of Blueberry and a kush of some kind. I hate the BS fancy strains where you gotta look it up and it’s a cross between two more strains with stupid names and it...
  9. lildogbyte

    Hey , Dummy Grow a Plant - Simple Soil Container Growing

    dude this is what i have searching for oh my lord you are my hero! I knew this was simpler than it’s made out to be! The biggest limiting factors are dependent on where you live. Too many people talk about nutrients and soil when I’d say the biggest thing people neglect is CO2. CO2 allows the...
  10. lildogbyte

    Help Me Land on a Diagnosis (please)

    So are you saying they need nutes? Because I’ve seen canna-bonsai twice my plants’ size in half as small a container. These girls are small, I dont think they’ve filled the pots yet. Also, is there a nute for veg that i can get from walmart or Ace or Tractor supply or something I don’t feel like...
  11. lildogbyte

    Help Me Land on a Diagnosis (please)

    It’s been stupid hot. Yesterday had a high of 110 (F) and in the evening it was sitting at 80 until like 10PM. I need help narrowing this down. I think it’s the heat, or a deficiency, or a combo of both. Tangent: I’m confused about the nutrients because according to a lot of growers, the soil...
  12. lildogbyte

    Seedlings "frozen in time"

    If there’s one thing I learned from my research, it’s that weed is a fairly hardy plant. It grows in all sorts of environments, from the himalayas to afghanistan. Reading your post I can only infer what might be the problem. I’m in the midst of my first ever grow, and I essentially just put...
  13. lildogbyte

    Early signs of mites?

    Okay, I trust. Thanks again. I’m still open to opinions as to what it might be if not mites. I’m seriously curious as to whether some neighborhood cat is rubbin’ on them or something. e: How long do you think it would take for it to undoubtably be a mite infestation? Like if I went on vacay and...
  14. lildogbyte

    Early signs of mites?

    I wanna be as informing as possible, but I am a newb so bear with me if I ramble but never give the important details. I started these plants a week and a half ago. This is my first grow ever. I’m running off of Ed Rosenthal’s grower’s handbook (I think it may be the 3rd edition but it’s not...