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    mold that went away i think

    I looked alot into smoking/eating moldy weed. DONT DO IT. The temps it takes to kill mold are higher then what a lighter can achieve and cooking it at those temps will leave you with nothing. Chalk this up to a learning experience.

    Why does my bud look so good, but smells like hay? +rep

    Hey man how is your shit smelling now?:hump:

    16800 Lumens CFL Grow

    Well since the last time I posted I must have burnt my plants with nutes. I flushed acouple of times and I hope they still will be smokeable. Here are some pics. anybody know if these will still be anygood. :peace:


    Hey bud just checking in on your grow again. Looking real good man, I hope u can pull in that extra weight with these other plants. I had to harvest my last grow super early and lost 90% in water weight wound up with 16g stuff curing. But it still smells and taste kinda like shit after 2 and...

    16800 Lumens CFL Grow

    Yeah it is a closet grow. With minimal ventilation. This grow is going very fast compared to my last one. Though the way I did the light cycle made for some mini plants my tallest one is 9" and shortest is 6". I used a different method of topping that was supposed to get me 4 cola's but...

    16800 Lumens CFL Grow

    The outside weather was making my grow room hit upward of 105 f, with both sets of lights going. That stuff is sitting in a curing jar till they dank or atleast better. Lost alot of weight went from 80g wet to 16g dry. But these are going all the way and seem to be alot better for my setup.

    16800 Lumens CFL Grow

    Well this is my second time around! Long story short I had to harvest too early because of this grow. My Set Up VEG - 13000 lumen 6500k FLOWER - 16800 lumen 2700k Seeds - Good bag Seeds Soil : Fox Farm Ocean Forest Nutes : Fox Farm Grow Big, Molasses Water: Distilled Lighting...

    mg soil???

    on my first grow I used 2/3 mg continous release moisture control. and 1/3 vermiculite. worked well the only thing I added was Fox Farm Big Bloom after the 2nd month and some mollasses at the end. I would make sure you get a good flush at the end aswell! But man if you have a hydro shop...

    39 days Flowering 79 days from seed! First time grow!

    Yeah man I agree. But I had 5 other plants that I didnt want to lose. Oh well my trics were all cloudy and some of the buds were amber. But if I could have had it my way it would still be there for another 3 weeks or so!
  10. THCGREEN THumb

    39 days Flowering 79 days from seed! First time grow!

    I started growning feb 1st! vegged for 40days flowered for 60. veg lights were about 200 watts of cfl 6500k Flower lights were 4 68watt 2700k for about 16800 lumens!
  11. THCGREEN THumb

    39 days Flowering 79 days from seed! First time grow!

    Ok so I had to harvest earlier then I would like but the recent weather only allows for me to have one set of lights going or it get way too hot. So anyways Ill show you what I ended up with. 80g wet with some stems but that is all trimmed.
  12. THCGREEN THumb

    39 days Flowering 79 days from seed! First time grow!

    howak47 sweet that link worked. Your plants look really good! Once my plants get up ill post some new pics and show you my indica plants that are about 30 days old.
  13. THCGREEN THumb


    Those plants look really good man!
  14. THCGREEN THumb

    Ist grow questions and concerns

    Yeah man try cutting the pollen sacks off with a razor. I did this on my hermie almost 4 weeks ago and seems to have worked. Goodluck bud.
  15. THCGREEN THumb

    Noob tryin it with cfl's

    Molasses is an organic carboload. Dont use it in hydro it will clog up your system. They have equivalent nutes for hydro.
  16. THCGREEN THumb

    Purple Erkel First Grow (PICS)

    Depending on how long they have been there, if they are less then a week you can cut any pollen sacks off! Be careful but I have just did this and saved my plant.
  17. THCGREEN THumb

    39 days Flowering 79 days from seed! First time grow!

    Yeah it seems to have fixed it. I guess we will see for sure once I break up a bud!
  18. THCGREEN THumb

    39 days Flowering 79 days from seed! First time grow!

    Howak47 Bud your links dont seem to work for me? +rep is for when someone helps the community you give them + rep so that others know that guy knows what he is talking about.
  19. THCGREEN THumb

    First Grow, small space.

    Also I went to our local sporting goods store and found a reusable emergency blanket. This was alot thicker and all around easier to work with. Of course it does cost 14 bucks. So if you are making a long term grow room I would go that route.