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  1. S

    Water: RO, Distilled, Rain, or Tap?

    i use RO water... but i am wondering should i be adding any additives to the water like calcium or mag. or any other vits? also if you cant afford the RO system right away or you are on a well like me and an RO system still isnt going to help your shitty water you can go to your local...
  2. S

    Using saltwater fishtank (protien skimmer waste) to make organic tea

    Thanks guys it was just a thought, ohh well... i guess it will just keep getting dumped down the drain lol! i did read somewhere online though that if you keep a small freshwater tank with goldfish & no plants that you can in fact use the waste at the bottom of the tank that gets siphoned out so...
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    Using saltwater fishtank (protien skimmer waste) to make organic tea

    I just have a couple of questions, I have a couple of hobbies one being gardening and another being a keeper of a fairly larger reef aquarium. What I was wondering if it is possible to enterlink the two together by making organic tea out of the fish waste, That is collected in the protien...
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    Best nutes for flowering

    I have been using the whole foxfarm fert. Set through my whole grow and my plnts love it! Grow big, tiger bloom, open seaseme, beastie blooms, and cha ching, kind of pricey but hey ya get what ya pay for.. Plus my first grow you wouldn't believe the resin dripping of the colas it was unreal! I...
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    Hey Man You Should Try Buying a small humidifier at your local walmart that should help a bunch :weed: