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  1. G

    Thanks man - appreciate it!

    Thanks man - appreciate it!
  2. G

    Advice for a low-key first-time grower?

    Yeah that's what i hear - won't be a problem. The closet is outdoors...
  3. G

    Advice for a low-key first-time grower?

    Hey everyone, Just wondering if anyone has some advice for me... I'm a pretty amateur toker, only smoke about 3-4 times a month, never grown. Recently moved and lost my source, which is obviously a shitty problem to have. Anyways, i was thinking the easiest way to get hooked up is just to...
  4. G

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey y'all Pretty amateur smoker here, just wanted to say hi. Just posted on the "introduce yourself" forum. Never grown before, and got a couple questions i'm hoping to get answered in the newbie thread. Take it easy fellas!
  5. G

    Hey yall...

    Hey everyone, New to the forum - thought I'd introduce myself. Started smoking back in undergrad - i was one of the guys who vowed he'd never do more than drink alcohol. Then one night got really trashed and my buds were passing the piece around, and i eventually just said "ah fuck it"...