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  1. trezi13

    Help guys im new been doing this for 6 months now many plants many ploblems, HELP!

    You guys missed the part that i said i started using distilled water recently because i heard it has no addatives and i was afraid some of those deficiencies were coming from that. The funny thing is that the new growth looks great its the bottom of the plant that has been like that since b4...
  2. trezi13

    Help guys im new been doing this for 6 months now many plants many ploblems, HELP!

    So i had a nice personal grow going and it turned out great. Well at the time my connect got busted by his crazy ass dad and had to get rid of 7 baby high qualaty plants. Well out of those 5 survived and have been pretty hard to keep healthy. I found out after starting to see serious ploblems...
  3. trezi13

    Gnats are getting on my nerves.

    Thanks for all the replies guys i have some neem oil i can borrow from a friend, but after the soil transplant they have disapeared i was just given these babies so im guessing they carried them in i have them in clean new pot with ocean forest which i normaly use for my plants as well.
  4. trezi13

    Gnats are getting on my nerves.

    What can i use to rid of these pests without hurting my seedlings? I have even spotted some in the dirt first thing tommorow im going to repot them in new clean dirt and i wanna do something before these gnats become a serious issue.
  5. trezi13

    SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

    dude is this the simpsonsampsons from wow? lol jw
  6. trezi13

    48 hours of dark before 12-12

    It is something i have been thinking about doing with my next batch as well, although i would like to point out the fact that male plants normaly grow a hell of alot faster then females so that might be the only reason she go so big and not the 48hr dark peeriod which also could have caused the...
  7. trezi13

    Stop Asking Questions...this is smoke report section

    Uhmmmmm Did you just post something about ppl asking questions in the wrong section and you yourself asked a question in the same forum, lol you must be baked.
  8. trezi13

    Help leaves are turning yellow on the bottom!

    i do0nt think its nitrogen but they have started wilting and shriviling up it started with the single leaflets now it has moved up to the 3 prong leaflets. her top leaves look a bit lighter in color and have a curl to them. ill post pictures as soon as i can
  9. trezi13

    Help leaves are turning yellow on the bottom!

    What could be causing this? she is almost done vegetating and i dont want to start her flowering until this problem is solved. She has been growing great until now and nothing has changed so any input from you guys would be great.
  10. trezi13

    Order not reccieved from Gypsy Nirvana

    hey bro i ordered some fem ppp from nirvana almost 2 months ago now and nothing they suck.
  11. trezi13

    Help guys Newborn problem

    The leaves on the plant feel very crispy anyone know what is causing this?
  12. trezi13

    Help guys Newborn problem

    well i woke up this morning and good news (well i think) 2 of he 4 true leaves have started lifting up but almost in a curl i unno but this is the first time they have been lifted. my enviroment might not look the best but truast me ive been reading alot everything if used up have sterlized with...
  13. trezi13

    How many plants will FIT?!

    you could cut holes into the bottom drawer area and hang your pots there that would give you maximum height and would look stealthy if you keep the drawer there too. you could do lots of things with that space really.
  14. trezi13

    Help guys Newborn problem

    What do you guys think about the roots maybe hitting the rockwool and maybe stopping cause the dirt in there is very very soft and the rockwool is not really. From what she is looking to me is like she might be running out of time, should i try and get her out of their and just get a 3 gallon...
  15. trezi13

    Help guys Newborn problem

    hehe i guess i better attach the pic =P
  16. trezi13

    Help guys Newborn problem

    at least i know she isnt dead cause she is still growing new leaves thank god. I felt her and her leaves are gettin crispy i raised the lights about an inch afraid they might be frying her and misted her a little. Here is the other plant that i think might have a Zinc deficiency again sorry...
  17. trezi13

    Help guys Newborn problem

    Ok here are some up to date pics. 1rst pic was when i had first noticed 2nd and on are her now one of the true leaves are now yellowing at the tip :cry:
  18. trezi13

    Help guys Newborn problem

    Hmm and here we go again thank you so much for that post cause had i not looked through the entire thing i would have completly missed that my other plant has a slight Zinc deficiency is there anything i could maybe find at home to take care of this and how is it caused ??
  19. trezi13

    Help guys Newborn problem

    Nice post bro, i am growing her in a rock wool cube filled with Hyponex Potting Soil i think what might be happening is the roots might be having trouble penetrating the rockwool but im no expert so i have no idea. SOIL: How long has this problem been going on? about 24 hours What STRAIN are...