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    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Awesome, I found another great guide on grasscity forums to compare and contrast.
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    Finally Flowering!!!Now, What to do with the nutrient intake??

    Molasses you say? Is that for phosphate? Would the banana peel idea work as well?
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    Finally Flowering!!!Now, What to do with the nutrient intake??

    My plant is flowering :) It started off with some blood meal and Scott's potting soil mix. Now that it is flowering, what should I do with the nutes? It is still growing green and beautiful. However, one or two leaves on the old growth are discolored. I'm broke for another week, is...
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    Transplanting into a rock wool? I NEEDZ HELPZ!

    Well I have a wet ass rockwool for no reason then lol
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    Transplanting into a rock wool? I NEEDZ HELPZ!

    I'm not switching to just rockwool would soil and rock wool work well?
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    Transplanting into a rock wool? I NEEDZ HELPZ!

    any final say before the deed is done?
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    Transplanting into a rock wool? I NEEDZ HELPZ!

    Well...I haven't posted in awhile..Maybe 6 months or more.. I forgot all my log in shit but one day I was stoned and it came to me! lol Also, sorry if i'm not making much sense, that's probably because i'm NOT stoned :cry: Here it is.. are you saying...
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    Transplanting into a rock wool? I NEEDZ HELPZ!

    Hey everyone, I have a seed I started off in a cup. It's doing well, but i'm going to have to transplant soon. I have both soil and the rock wool. Would I be correct in assuming this? I soak the rockwool in distilled water for 24 hours. I place soil below and around the rockwool. I...
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    A Florida outdoor grow NoOb needs help!

    I know this is not the best time to begin a grow op, but I am running out of money and bud. My place of work just went out of business and all my cash is going towards books for this semester. Both my bank account and my bowl is very lonely.. With that being said, I have grown impatient...
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    The Germination Rate Report Thread

    Nirvana-Black Jack-2/5
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    Help me create a set-up for my first indoor grow.

    Okay I have a pretty big closet, i've grown outdoors before so I know the basics. I only want to grow one plant at a time. Can someone please help me create a set up that will sustain one plants growth? I am a little worried about the smell during flowering time so I am guessing I will need to...
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    The black bag flowering method killed my plant!! PLEASE READ!

    Okay, whats up everyone? I was growing a feminized black jack seed I ordered from nirvana. The plant was doing fairly well, I ran into a nutrient deficiency which was taken care of, and the plant was back to normal in two weeks. To the point...The forrest where I was growing(Florida) was...
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    whats the easiest way to force flower?

    black bag it man, you'll be fine
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    the question! am i ready?

    You guys just need to read around on here. They haven't receeded back in the buds yet. Hairs still real long and white. 2 weeks
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    I'm force flowering outdoors - anyone else?

    Your plants are way bushier then mine is. I had to put the plant inside my friends house because the county mowed the grass of the forest for the first time ever. So I hope it doesn't think it's flowering just yet. I won't get much
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    Pls Help 1st Grow My babies are dying!

    Yeah man, im fairly new, but thats a lot of plants and very little light
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    Whats wrong

    Nothing as far as I can see
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    Nute Burn VS Nute Deficiency. LOOK THE SAME!? Help

    Sorry wasn't able to take a pic. The plant is about a mile away and I run to it, (outdoors) I didn't feel like running with a camera today. Anyway, Plant has been vegging for about a month. The lower leafs have been turning brown at the edges and curling up at the tips. Some are completely...
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    Florida users...unite!

    Florida is pretty cool. I just want everyone to check in who grows here. Im trying outdoors, since we know out climate and what not it would logical to ask eachother our questions. Plus meeting new smoking buddies isn't bad either. Anyone around pasco?
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    Zeus's Take on Harvesting

    I actually LEARNED a lot. Now I want you to step by step show me how you harvest. lol. You were easy to understand, a rarity on here sometimes.