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  1. N

    Pictures of My Brownies...Or What's Left

    wow mate you must still be baked!!!! :)
  2. N

    betsy-4 wks into flower

    nice mate... she is huge
  3. N

    DONT waste those leaves and stems!

    you have to distill your own or procure moonshine... we just finished making some of this with mids about a week ago (after letting it sit two weeks)... and wow!!! 1 shot will do you right... 2 shots your stoned for days... make sure to double or triple filter through a coffee filter... (the...
  4. N

    Your favourite papers?

    aLeda King Clear... i love how they are flat on a regular surface the minute they are in your hand they almost roll themselves... they curl up from the heat of your hand.... from what i read about clears is that they are made of cellulose and are just like regular whites except they haven't been...
  5. N

    Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

    I would have to go with the egg.... i agree with the idea that some relative of the bird laid an egg that had genetic mutations that caused it to become what we now know to be the Chicken.... peace
  6. N


    Chips... Cheers.... mate... there is alot of this un-intelligent talk here... and to top it off us idiots from the isles are the ones who are opposed to such comments because america kicked britians arse... fuckin bollocks is what it is... in all honesty its because of people with views like...
  7. N


    hey fella... mate here means Friend... aquaintance... my "mate" is muslim... that is why i said i had to get my facts straight... i understand that is your opinoin.. but gross overgeneralizations should still be checked... peace
  8. N


    sounds like your an expert mate? done much reading yourself aye? if one does any research into this its quite clear... but i'm not going to get my panties in a bunch... simply talk educated and keep your respect instead of sounding like a blithering fool.:peace:
  9. N


    i have to verify this with my mate... but i know we've had this conversation before... he says that this is not the case... that these fanaticals are using verses out of context to kill people... and he says these blokes don't even discrimnate they say that all people even muslims who don't...
  10. N


    sorry... i was refering to my bad spelling... and i totally agree with your point... but i don't think some of the contributors see it the same... the key here is some "radicals"... and to say that some one has to apologise for something that all a small group within a larger group does is not...
  11. N

    Great Stoner Quotes

    "keep it like a VD... don't even tell the girl you fuck..." (my mate's analogy on keeping secrets)
  12. N


    chaps this thread is quite usless at this point you can't have fruitful discussions with people who keep regurgitating the same things over and over... especially when they are inaddequte inept in their thinking. (bad spelling)
  13. N

    fungus gnats?

    i used the same thing... the only thing is you have to keep up on the spraying.... i sprayed once and then they went away... but a week later they came back stronger... so follow the label... cheers
  14. N


    Mark i'm going to have to agree with my mate jolly bro... i think these views are a bit fanatical in there own right and i have lost respect for this thread after seeing such un-educated baseless claims... that last one about britons not being able to walk through a muslim area was bloody...
  15. N

    holding it in

    actually wouldn't it block more thc absorbtion... if you lungs were all full o' tar? and i think there was a study saying the in the first second 98% of the thc is absorbed... i'm experimenting right now V peace
  16. N

    How much are you paying for weed?

    in the city it goes oz 80 for schwag 120 for mids 350 for hydro...homegrown...dank... chronic (whatever you want to call it) but in the burbs and the hills you can get rapped... (or good profit) depending on how you look at it. oz 160 schwag 240 mids 400-600 hydro... HG... Chronic... Dank...
  17. N


    Hey Wavels... thanks... i guess... i kinda see your point... but i still think its unfair to say they are enablers... i think the christian past does bare some significance...due to the fact that it shows a major evolution in a religious institution.. but it also shows it takes time... i think...
  18. N

    When you were high what kind of food did you munch on?

    when i lived in america... there were these things called French's Fried Onions... i think they were a topping of sort... they were simply amazing... everytime i go back to visit... i have to take a few boxes... Fried Chicken and sweet tea(from the south...i.e. gerorgia, south carolina )is...
  19. N


    ^^^^^ right on... mate... and Wevls i think he is refering to the History of Chrisianity and the Church... The stonings.. beatings.... wars... looting... rape... pilaging... decapitations... that took palce a time ago... all under the name of GOD but with twisted motivations... the crusades...
  20. N

    Great Stoner Quotes

    so as my mate and i were discussing the merits of Indoor Vs. Outdoor growing... the topic of rabbits came up...the conversation: A- "if we move em outdoors the rabbits will eat it" A- "then the rabbits will be getting high off our birds(girls for non-brits)" A- "the fuckin rabbits will be...