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  1. L

    New plant issues, discoloration between veins

    It seemed fine during the hottest part of the summer. Seemed to thrive. Only started having any issues when I first reported it and it was just the yellowing. I'm thinking it may be a ph or watering issue. Ph, I think, is around 7. Maybe I added too many nutrients and they "just kicked in" and...
  2. L

    New plant issues, discoloration between veins

    I started it indoors but moved it outdoors. The yellowing and browning has gotten significantly worse and it seems to be quite quick. A leaf can go from a little yellow or brown to dried up. Maybe I'm not giving it enough water? I'm either over doing something or under doing something.
  3. L

    New plant issues, discoloration between veins

    It's getting worse... many top leaves are now sowing signs of the interveinal bronzing. Most are not too bad but there some that are worse than in the picture and on the other side of the plant. Note that while the photo makes it seem like it might be a yellow color, it is more of a bronze or...
  4. L

    New plant issues, discoloration between veins

    Well, about a week and a half ago I did put some NPK and Mg in some of those foliar sprayers I had and sprayed the plant a little. Before I was just putting the Epsom on top of the soil(sprinkling it around) and then spraying it with water. It does seem to be flowering which is odd since it's...
  5. L

    Yellowing Leaves progressing So now a new issue has popped up ;/
  6. L

    I'm getting discouraged.

    But the bugs could have been a consequence of the plant dying. Normally bugs don't attack a healthy plant. I had 2 clones. One had a good set of roots and the other had one about 1 inch long. I had them in some pots inside. I put them outside yesterday and now they are dead... pretty much an...
  7. L

    New plant issues, discoloration between veins

    For context, I was having some yellowing leaves: I noticed today that some laves started looking different but it seems light(the sun was out so this discoloration seemed very minor or did not exist(so it was rapid). There is at...
  8. L

    Yellowing Leaves progressing

    Ok, I will wait and see. It looks like it's starting to flower because every day I go out there are round like things that look like the start of flowers that gett bigger and bigger(they look more like the first picture with all the pistils going in all directions(but they are smaller and there...
  9. L

    Yellowing Leaves progressing

    So here are two recent pictures. The first shows what is happening underneath and the other is at the top(obviously). I'm going to assume, specially since I already added a bunch of N, that the leaves are just dying and hope that it doesn't spread or there is some other issue(PH or whatever)...
  10. L

    Yellowing Leaves progressing

    Yes. It's all those droopy single bladed leaves where it is happening. It's been doing it for a while, one here, one there.. but last 3 weeks it's is when it's been getting progressively worse. You can't see it much but in that last pic there are about 10-15 leaves that are all discolored. Maybe...
  11. L

    Yellowing Leaves progressing

    Is that what happens? Note that the "revegged" is basically from a runt that went in to flowering a week or two or so after it sprouted(first pic) then stayed that way for around 6 months(until march or so when I planted it in the raised bed) then it started to veg. So the "initial" veg cycle...
  12. L

    Yellowing Leaves progressing

    That is what it looked like to me, but I've been giving it nitrogen and it's only gotten worse. It seems to be a classic nitrogen deficiency. Yesterday I give it a good dose of nitrogen(maybe too much) so if that doesn't help then it's something else causing it. But given that the plant is...
  13. L

    Yellowing Leaves progressing

    It was never "harvested". I did take a few bits and pieces off it as a runt because I figured it was just going to die but once I replanted it it took off. It went from runt->bush but it seemed to start off in flower mode after it sprouted(a very short veg or hybrid veg/flower mode which caused...
  14. L

    Yellowing Leaves progressing

    That seems to be the case and I was thinking that maybe they were just old and dying but they also look like nitrogen deficiency so I didn't know. Since it seems be getting progressively worse I'm a bit worried it might be something else. It just kinda happened, it seems, all of a sudden.
  15. L

    Yellowing Leaves progressing

    I'm going to explain some things in detail just for context. I'll try to be brief as possible. The main issue is going to be the last photo. I found some seeds in some weed given to me by a friend. I tried to go them, about 10, and 1 sprouted. I got one which I kept in my room and used a sowing...