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  1. C

    Stealth Gow Revolution

    the idea is cool i guess but if you're going to do a small grow you might as well at LEAST do something like a pc tower or something a bit bigger.... you won't even yeild 4 grams in something that small. just not worth the wait of the plant to go through its entire life cycle for such a small...
  2. C

    Is this White Widow?

    seldom can you look at a grow and tell what the strain is. you can tell whether it is predominantly sativa or indica, but there is way too many different strains to be able to pinpoint it.
  3. C

    good strain for a Newbie

    i've grown attitude's aurora indica twice on my last 2 grows and it has seemed to be a very strong strain. withheld some pretty high temperatures and varying conditions on the first grow and seemed to hold up great. buds i produced were very dense nuggets, tasty. grown under cfl's the first time...
  4. C

    Grow tent 600w hps hydro under construction

    Hey man i've been reading your entire setuip it looks nice. I was bummed because as i was reading through i noticed early on you asked for suggestions for attitude strains to buy and nobody seemed to answer you right away, i was hoping to catch you before you ordered to request aurora...
  5. C

    Urgent! bottom leaves :(

    those leaves are part of the embryo inside the seed. when they sprout they become embryonic leaves, they provide the plant with food and nutrients enough to sprout and often grow for a week or so, after everything from the leaves is used up they turn yellow and fall off. they're also called...
  6. C

    is my setup ok?

    thats the spirit! i hope all goes well for you. good luck and happy growing!
  7. C

    How's My grow Set-up?

    12/8 is wrong. for one thing.. theres 24 hours in a day. usually growers keep the lights on for 24 hours a day to start growth. after a little while cut it down to 18/6. some start with it at 18/6. and some leave it on 24/0 the entire veg cycle. 12/8 is way way off. whoever told you...
  8. C

    is my setup ok?

    sounds alright. i would get rid of the miracle grow and just mix your own soil its easier to get exactly what you want. theres tons of soil recipes all over the internet. although if you absolutely must, it will prolly be alright. use the blue spectrum bulbs for veg growth and the red for...
  9. C

    MASS outdoor growers

    pahk the cahr in hahvahd yahd
  10. C

    10 ph soil !how to lower it

    what kind of ph meter are you using? if you're using one of those 20 dollar soil ph testers with the metal probe(s) thats probably your problem... those meters don't work at all. like... at all... i've had one before as well.
  11. C

    Life, what life? Why can't I use my Propane barbecue for co2?

    yes yes and carbon monoxide is no fun!
  12. C

    WTF, my post count is shrinking

    haha i could care less that i've just "learned to roll a joint"... what i meant was why does it matter if your posts went from 1100 to 1000 or whatever. if you still have 1000 posts i would still see you as reputable as you've obviously spent the time on this website to post that many times. and...
  13. C

    My First Coco Grow!

    bro i just read your entire thread, very nicely done man the buds look amazing. Coco is beginning to grow on me a bit as I'm still planning my next setup for my new house although nothing is set in stone as of yet, the thing i like is that i can use it whether i decide to go hydro or not. but as...
  14. C

    WTF, my post count is shrinking

    what does it matter..... who cares how many posts you have
  15. C

    ebb and flow trays

    hey man. I have been looking into doing EBB and Flow when i move into my new place.. i have been googling and reading up lots and was looking for ideas for trays as well... mortar mixing pans are good, but i found something that i think i might try to find here locally.. they're these utility...
  16. C

    is this enuff light ?

    no. that is NOT enough light. that is a 12 watt bulb. you want to get the highest you can find which will probably be around 27 watts. the 60watt number means nothing because thats the equivelant. all they are saying is that it is as bright as a 60watt incandescent bulb. go get the 27w bulbs, as...
  17. C

    LEDs and cfls

    you can use all kinds of lighting to supplement whatever you're using. cfl's and leds will work fine together. they are ideal for low energy consumption setups and to manage heat. even if you have a high pressure sodium or metal halide light it is always good to have extra cfl's or led panels as...
  18. C

    I'd love some advise, about to change to 12/12...

    they look pretty good man. and they are definitely ready to go 12/12. looks like they were ready a lil while ago if you wanted to. but hey more veg the better haha. good luck man they look nice so far. keep everyone posted
  19. C

    How Long & Do I Have A Hermie?

    i heard somewhere that hermied plants produce feminized seeds. i don't know if thats legit or not at all so don't hold me to it. just something i heard somewhere, maybe even here? i don't remember haha
  20. C

    Container size question for soil growers

    5 gallon buckets fo sho