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  1. D

    When to harvest

    Yeh I’m stoned not with ya haha
  2. D

    When to harvest

    Just to note this was a mature seed
  3. D

    When to harvest

    Afternoon lads so the test bud I took a couple of days ago when inspecting it iv found a seed what do you reckon I should do will this progress letting them run another week or 2 it was deep in the bud I found the seed
  4. D

    When to harvest

    The one I pictured today is currently hung up to dry so at least I’ll have something to try for a good reference
  5. D

    When to harvest

    Agreed guys I’m fully on side I want the best possible crop of course I’m gonna keep an eye on things for a couple of weeks
  6. D

    When to harvest

    Certainly agree it’s not impatience it’s a learning curve i of course wanna be knowing what I’m looking for and having you guys confirm it I’m learning thanks for your help man
  7. D

    When to harvest

  8. D

    When to harvest

    Anything youv brown to reference too pal?
  9. D

    When to harvest

    They’re on A&B and they’re receiving a EC of 0.8 now
  10. D

    When to harvest

    I understand The potency side of things the weight side of things not so much they don’t seem to be packing anymore
  11. D

    When to harvest

    Okay guys took this bud off today we’re now at 59 days 12/12 the bud growth has halted here’s a new bud pic from today I’m tempted to harvest?
  12. D

    When to harvest

    My buds are looking swollen that’s what I was on about earlier when I learnt they’re called foxtails but I agreee a couple more weeks most definitely
  13. D

    When to harvest

    Hi mate thanks for your response I understand all plants are different what kind of time frame are we looking before they turn amber? Judging of the trichomes they look to have maybe 2-3 weeks left
  14. D

    When to harvest

    Ah perfect thanks mate and yeh they’re looking decent a couple weeks now hopefully
  15. D

    When to harvest

    Hi guys turned the lights off for a quick minute to take some better pictures today my only concern is the buds are nice chunky buds but it looks as if the sides of the buds are growing outwards into like balls filled with white hairs the pictures don’t do it any justice is this normal or the...
  16. D

    When to harvest

    The last pictures are from last week so I was leaning towards 2-3 weeks so that’s great thanks guys
  17. D

    When to harvest

    Lights are on at the minute I have some from last week I understand a lot can change in a week but take a look pal and the light is on in these I have tried blocking best I can
  18. D

    When to harvest

    Hi guys so we’re day 47 (7 weeks roughly) on some Blueberry OG barneys farm reckons 55days is about peak for this plant take a look at these pics I know the trichome pics ain’t the best I have a better lens coming tomorrow I harvested a bud today and this is the pics from the bud. Thanks guys
  19. D

    One finger leaves

    Hi guys so the dead stuff is gone EC reduced and to more run off the problem dosnt seem to be getting worse iv took some bud pics any idea how long they may take as far as iv been told they’re blueberry OG and the flowering time is around 55 days these are 27 days into flower
  20. D

    One finger leaves

    I’m unsure if my water starts at 0 EC but it dosnt show up on my blue lab truncheon before feed but they start at like 0.2 EC