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  1. L

    The Art of The Auto

    mossy yeh i noticed temunator had arrived lol! im doing good, just pottering along enjoying the chilled out times that are running out for me. it will be all hectic for the forseeable future soon! with the regards to calcium, yeh white build up in the kettle. plus i always have a large...
  2. L

    The Art of The Auto

    well this thread moves at a lightening speed! been trying to catch up ad leave a few pages, then the next day there is 10 more! this is the way forward, bring on the auto forum!! my ak's are doing pretty well, got a nice few heads of bud. however my soil is lacking food so they arent as big as...
  3. L

    The Art of The Auto

    lol i have been wondering this myself mate, but i have super-human willpower, i shall let u know how it goes ;)
  4. L

    The Art of The Auto

    i use the 250w cfl's and they are great if you dont have much head room as they dont run hot and u can have the plants close. but when the buds dry out they end up pretty airy even when dense on the plant. if i had the head room i would go hps for sure, the results cannot be matched
  5. L

    The Art of The Auto

    i dont really have feeding schedules, i feed them when they are hungry. im a great believer of being able to read ones ladies and give them what they need. i use ionic grow and bloom ferts, some will scream and shout about not using chemical ferts but they work well for me. i think it helped...
  6. L

    ..: Post Your AutoFlower Pics :..

    yeh LL's, the reworked ones sent from LL himself! a couple of people did mention back home that you were here. i had a browse but couldnt find you. went through the last 2 months of several auto related threads but alas i did not see you. until i got a random email saying i had a message on...
  7. L

    The Art of The Auto

  8. L

    The Art of The Auto

  9. L

    The Art of The Auto

    am bored and while im posting pics i thought id add a few of my previous grows. all done in my cab under 2x 250w cfls, 1 red and 1 blue.
  10. L

    The Art of The Auto

    you can pollenate whenever you like, as long as you leave 3-4 weeks for them to ripen. every hair is 1 seed so the more hairs the more seeds. good luck !
  11. L

    The Art of The Auto

    a pic of my revamped ak47's. they are 13days old and just shown sex. got a couple of runty ones but im not fussed, have a couple of chunky beauties, just need them to stretch out and show me the love! i have given them very mild grow ferts twice to help them along.
  12. L

    The Art of The Auto

    hello all! well ive just gone through the whole thread and it definitely feels like the old "home" what with all the info and the friendly vibes from the old gang! on the subject of the "auto" blueberrys that are't autoflowering. ive grown out a few generations of lowlifes blueberry and it has...
  13. L

    Autoflowering sub forum

    a definite yes
  14. L

    ..: Post Your AutoFlower Pics :..

    hello all! much appreciated bighill for finding me and giving me the heads up, been on the search for a few weeks now! was beginning to wonder if id find the old team ;) got a project on the go myself at the moment. a batch of ak47 #2's for an xmas harvest should be nice! will pop back with a...
  15. L

    ionic bloom can i use soil.

    i agree. ionic is excellent stuff! i use about 20ml in 2 liters of water and the plants love it. never had any nute burn and they are extremely healthy.
  16. L

    Help growing auto flowering strains

    i put mine in a small pot of soil and keep it damp in my lizards tank where its nice and warm. ive so far had 100% germ rate within 24 hours and ive been doing it a while
  17. L

    official autoflowering and lowryder crosses thread

    looking very tasty tony!! i grew out a lowryder 2 a few weeks ago, very crystally bud and extremely potent! a bong put me on my ass lol so much so that i bought a pack of 10 and intend to produce seeds so i have a constant supply. also have hindu kush which i plant to make seeds from too. i...
  18. L

    official autoflowering and lowryder crosses thread

    so does anybody here create their own autoflowers?? would be great to hear what people have/are creating! and pics would be welcome too! autoflowers are the future of cannabis growing. there are many haters out there that their only arguement is potency and yield, but these are being improved...
  19. L

    official autoflowering and lowryder crosses thread

    well there must be something wrong because i can get onto every site except planetganja. strange! i to have heard about the bad batch of lowryder 2's that arent flowering. i hope this is wrong as i bought some low 2's few weeks ago. heres hoping they are ok. currently got 8 hindu kush on the go...
  20. L

    Autoflower pictures thread! All variety's free to post!

    ive bought sum lowryder 2 in the last few weeks, they were a brand new batch from seedsmadness and they had better flower!! got some hindu kush on the go, was going to do a seedrun but have so far got 5 out of 8 are females! the last 3 i think wont mature in time to pollenate. is always the way...