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  1. B

    60-70rh when lights out late flower/ripe

    Hi all. Relative newbie to the forum. Been lurking a while but never thought I had anything useful to add until now. I was also having issues with swings in temp and rh. Growing indoors in my living space makes it difficult, for me anyway, to control my tent enviro. Then I decided to switch...
  2. B

    Hello new to forum - Ph too low PPM too high

    @myke. Applied myco today using stick and funnel method. I watered around the plants to ensure my hole would stay open after removing stick so funnel would get down in there good. I watered a bit more all around the plants after application to help push the myco down some more. Then covered over...
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    Hello new to forum - Ph too low PPM too high

    @myke. The exact product you mentioned will take a week to arrive. I ordered this instead.
  4. B

    Hello new to forum - Ph too low PPM too high

    Ok got it. FFOF has that in it already. It has bat guano, fish emulsion, crab and shrimp meal and ewc. No wonder they tell you to wash your hands thoroughly after using. Going to order some of the myco you mentioned tomorrow.
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    Hello new to forum - Ph too low PPM too high

    You folks have been great! Thanks very much! Lots of good info real fast. Maybe I can still salvage a decent yield.
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    Hello new to forum - Ph too low PPM too high

    I am going to get some of the product you suggest. Not familiar with "good ewc". What is that?
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    Hello new to forum - Ph too low PPM too high

    My pots are 100% FFOF. I just read that Happy Frog is "amended with soil microbes that help improve root efficiency and encourage nutrient uptake." A friend who is growing said he mixed OF & HF. His plants are doing well. All this is good info. I will be much better off on my next grow starting...
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    Hello new to forum - Ph too low PPM too high

    I suppose it's too late to use it. Is it possible to make some holes around the plants and drop some in? I believe I read that stuff is granular not powdery. Perhaps I could get some down in there. Or is it just too dang late?
  9. B

    Hello new to forum - Ph too low PPM too high

    I have my pots in saucers that have the little risers in the center. My runoff accumulates around the sides of the saucers away from the pots. I put my hand under the pots and they are damp. I use a turkey baster to get runoff out of saucer.
  10. B

    Hello new to forum - Ph too low PPM too high

    Thank you. I read about myco AFTER the transplant.:roll: I wish I had heard about that stuff before transplanting. I suppose it's too late to use that stuff now. From what I read you put some in the hole you put the plant in. Helps kickstart root development.
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    Hello new to forum - Ph too low PPM too high

    Thank you. I have some UC roots I bought for hydro setup. Will that work? I also have 3% stabilized hydrogen peroxide we keep around as an antiseptic. Will that work? If so, how much?
  12. B

    Hello new to forum - Ph too low PPM too high

    Interestingly, I tried my hand at growing about 30 years ago. I bought the book "Marijuana Botany" by Robert Connell Clarke. I found that book to be an excellent resource. I did fairly well following that book. But my lights were too weak. Plants grew somewhat tall. But buds were loose and airy...
  13. B

    Hello new to forum - Ph too low PPM too high

    Thank you. Others have advised the same. Last watering was yesterday 9-25. Will wait few days before more water. I have been watering all around the pots about 2 inches or so from plants. In the hope the roots will spread out searching for water and expand root base.
  14. B

    Hello new to forum - Ph too low PPM too high

    Thanks. I noticed the bottom leaves on the plant on the right have started to brown and cup. But only that one. It is closest to the fan. I wonder if I need a fan. I have an active ventilation system with the bottom intake duct angled slightly upward in the middle of the tent. Enough...
  15. B

    Hello new to forum - Ph too low PPM too high

    Thanks for your reply. I have been only giving plain water since converting to soil. Should I be adding nutes? I was advised the FFOF would have what my plants need at first. My water alone is 7 Ph and PPM 151. Getting x10 PPM in runoff and lower Ph. That's confusing to me.
  16. B

    Hello new to forum - Ph too low PPM too high

    Been lurking for a few days and decided to join. Looks like a good resource here. I recently converted plants from hydroponic system to soil. Hydro system box way too small. Hard to keep cool. Not enough airflow. I had gotten my Ph and PPM correct but water temps too high 79-80 degrees F. I had...