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  1. C

    A perfect cure every time

    9 year old topic.. that is hardly on topic.. that pretty much sums up this entire forum lol
  2. C

    Does anyone know what caused this ( click on picture it’s a video)

    Nutrient burn. Flush the plants medium out using lots of distilled water and then redo your fertilizers. There is no point testing it at this point as its clear your plants are suffering from nutrient burn. I mean big spoiler here just get an aquarium and feed your plants aquarium water...
  3. C

    Water: The Most Essential Compound When an entire community is so daft they have a 43 page long thread which is literally a copy pasta article. This article is not really informative in the correct way and isn't even used to relate to plant growth. Imagine being such a slimy...
  4. C

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    Go to your aquarium. Get some water out of it. You are welcome.
  5. C

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    I didn't make a farewell post more of a .. what the fuck is this nonsense about the government post. Yes you clearly can't dry or cure your weed well and it looks like it tastes like a barn.. makes my stomach turn looking at it. You do understand the link posted by the admin isn't even an...
  6. C


    That picture is far too out of focus for anyone to help you but I will do my best. If you see any ball or banana shaped things cut the plant. If you see 2 hairs coming out of the node area its female.. it essentially has 2 hairs you would see on a bud.. pretty obvious.. looks feminine even...
  7. C

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    I tend to look around and contribute when needed but I mean... come on.. 15yr old post that has 0 relevance in 2021... I mean the fact that you defend this level of incompetency... lol you probably grow the shittiest weed known to man kind. oof and looking at your profile picture... you smoke...
  8. C

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    So.. why is this pinned? You understand your government isn't the same as mine government and this is an international community. The link you have on here doesn't even work.. this is a 15 year old threat that should probably be removed and would be if you had a decent moderation team. I will...