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  1. NorthernLights5

    18 days for my plants

    You using nutes yet? for vegging you should get something that is high in nitrogen ex. 20-10-15
  2. NorthernLights5

    How come one of my plants smells

    it pretty much all differs from strain to strain
  3. NorthernLights5

    Exhaust smells

    Good point, yes i would use a carbon filter just for more security
  4. NorthernLights5

    How to Turn a PC Fan into an Exhaust or Intake Fan?

    i did the cell phone charger and PC fan and it is working great as an intake fan
  5. NorthernLights5

    Is 65W good for one plant?

    more light is better
  6. NorthernLights5

    My First Ghetto Grow! (HELP!)

    those plants are very stretched and you should probably get some better lights if you want some better results, more light=more bud
  7. NorthernLights5

    Micro Grow - Ghetto Box

    I would say its a cool little box and the plants look good so why not
  8. NorthernLights5

    Micro pc cfl ghetto bagseed grow

    I'm not a PC grower but i was just wondering when you do 12/12 from the start how long until you can harvest and cure?
  9. NorthernLights5

    first grow. good?bad?

    i started LST yesterday because i realized the same thing they were streching I'm using 4 CFL's is that good enough for 2 plants?
  10. NorthernLights5

    first grow. good?bad?

    I'm just wondering if these are doing good. I'm not sure what strain it is, just a bag seed as far as i know. I was also wondering what that problem is on that leaf in the last picture.
  11. NorthernLights5

    Flowering help needed

    I have a plant that is about 3 weeks in age. the stem is strong. so its full vegging stage but i am not sure if i can flower this early? the plant is about 4 inches tall because i kept the light so close so it wouldn't stretch Opinions and comments are welcome thank you.:leaf::hump:
  12. NorthernLights5

    need help on making a reflector

    I am using white paint right now but you could use mylar which is more expensive than paint but more effective
  13. NorthernLights5

    the right light for me?

    you would need a lot of those then the heat would be too intense for the plant and you would need a pretty good circulation system
  14. NorthernLights5

    Leaves turning yellow

    the plants are about 3 weeks old. they are vegging yea i have nutes
  15. NorthernLights5

    20 plants dieing leaves curling down HELP ASAP

    It looks like the plants need some nutes.
  16. NorthernLights5

    Leaves turning yellow

    Hey, I have a plant under 2 flourescents tubes that have been being watered correctly and the leaves on the first nodes have begun to turn yellow on the end and shrivel up. I just want to know what the problem is before it dies. Thank you very much