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  1. Racas

    Keeps getting worse

    Just look at my profile picture to see how it use to look... :-(
  2. Racas

    Keeps getting worse

    The problem is that I'm so new to this so have no idea who is experienced, legit and genuinely want to help and who is just talking BS. At least I know what not to do next time.
  3. Racas

    Keeps getting worse

    Okay thanks... Wish people wouldn't post things like "Neem oil is fine to spray all over". We live and learn
  4. Racas

    Mold resistant strains (Autoflower)

    Hello all, I've been researching some mold resistant strains but have had some mixed results online and in stores (Canada). I noticed Autoflower seeds seem to be a popular one because the faster finishing times. Any advice for out door growing? Thanks
  5. Racas

    Keeps getting worse

    Is that not burn from the neem oil?
  6. Racas

    Toronto / Cobourg Growers

    Yes I am.... Well, I was but it was my first time and unfortunately it didn't end well. White powder mildew sent me on a big research adventure and ended up basically killing my plant with a bad ratio. I can only assume it was that anyway. Just curious if you or anyone was having issues...
  7. Racas

    Toronto / Cobourg Growers

    Hello all... Just curious if there are any growers in my area? Sorry if this is in the wrong topic section. Thanks
  8. Racas

    Keeps getting worse

    Not an auto no. I'm brand new and made some big mistakes along the way. White powder mildew was worry me as I couldn't get rid of it so used neem oil. Followed a ratio online but I guess it was too strong. So basically I think I killed the plant. Such a waste. Oh well.... Will try again next...
  9. Racas

    Keeps getting worse

    Hey guys, My plant keeps getting worse every day. Is it time to call it a day and cut it down? Still smells good, I'm no expert but it looks like it's dying.
  10. Racas

    What to do?

    It was maybe about week 3 I think I'm going to just let nature take its course and see what happens after the 4 bucket wash. If it smells or tastes funny then will use it for something else. Just seems such a waste to cut it down if there is a possibility it could still be okay. Thanks
  11. Racas

    What to do?

    Thanks for the replies but it seems the talk has gone a bit off topic. The whole reason I posted was to ask if anything could be done with my plant now or should I just cut it down and through it away?? Only one person actually answered by saying don't cut it down so I'm still not sure what to...
  12. Racas

    What to do?

    Some write ups say if you do the 4 bucket wash it is fine. * 1st Lemon and Baking Soda * 2nd Hydrogen Peroxide * 3rd Warm Rinse * 4th Room Temperature Rinse I could smell the neem 2 weeks ago but I can barely smell it now. Mostly just the typical weed smell. Thanks
  13. Racas

    What to do?

    I thought I did my research... Not sure why some people are saying it's fine because you just wash it out. Obviously got it wrong. Oh well.
  14. Racas

    What to do?

    Thanks for the fast reply.... Time to start again??
  15. Racas

    What to do?

    I saw lots of peoples write ups saying that they did it and just washed it off after harvest. Maybe they weren't telling the truth or something... I guess I will have to learn the hard way... Shall I just cut it down and through it away then? Thanks for the fast response
  16. Racas

    What to do?

    Hello all, I'm a first time grower and am stuck with where to go from here. I was given a big healthy plant at the end of June. It hadn't started to flower then about 3 weeks laters it was amazing... Until it got the dreaded white powder mildew so I did lots of research and I decided to go with...