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  1. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    This Girl just wouldnt give up, and the big lesson learned..

    In the back end of my second flower and this girl just would not give up. Posted a few pictures (apologizing in advance for the lights). The first set was her in early flower after her stretch. The second is her now. The reason I post both is a little reminder on how bad over watering can hurt...
  2. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Seeds in weed?

    Bag seed is usually fine to grow, just watch for hermies. Either a male got in their grow or they were hermies and self pollinated. Never hurts to try, bag seed is all I have grown on my journey so far, I don't want to waste money killing expensive seeds lol.
  3. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    84 Percent Humidity

    Mine is up above and outside my tent for this reason. Sound safety advice here. If your electrical is on the ground right now I would raise it OP, you are watering plants in there and one spill could cause some big trouble.
  4. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Light suggestions for awkward tent?

    5ft tall, not the absolute worst but wish it were 6
  5. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Light suggestions for awkward tent?

    Thing looks like a beauty, I have now taken this as a challenge to just maximize this small space as best I can and grow 2 monster girls!
  6. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Light suggestions for awkward tent?

    Appreciate the wisdom as always hotrod!
  7. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Light suggestions for awkward tent?

    Had not even thought of looking there, that is pretty genius!
  8. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    How about know?

    I appreciate you asking questions and trying to learn. Unfortunately, the only way to improve that plant currently is getting it more light, there is really not a lot else that can be done. It will grow, just not very well.
  9. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    How about know?

    Yepp, you need to invest in some better lights, that simply will not finish out that plant. It will be nothing but larf.
  10. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Flying with Weed (Please read -- A little bit different idea)

    Not worth the risk at all. I would seriously suggest against that.
  11. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Light suggestions for awkward tent?

    Appreciate a fellow Ontarian chiming in! We tend to not have the best selection so I will probably just have to be very careful and try to find the best and most honest light in my budget haha.
  12. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Light suggestions for awkward tent?

    Man I don't quite understand why I didn't just get the 3x2 lol I am missing those extra 4" right now, but I will check those out as well!
  13. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Light suggestions for awkward tent?

    Not to be a pain, but Canada is a special snowflake in that we are close to America, but we don't get nearly as nice of things as America does haha. I didn't see the qb96 alone on would you be able to suggest an alternative? I saw...
  14. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Light suggestions for awkward tent?

    Haha appreciate it, it has happened to me before and it sucks so you may have saved me from making the same mistake twice.
  15. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Light suggestions for awkward tent?

    Looking at Amazon Canada I had found this: Looks to be a 220w draw, only 15.6" by 9.6" , I could use this in tandem with my 16"x7" light I currently own (180w draw) and would bring me up to about 400w of true...
  16. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Light suggestions for awkward tent?

    Any particular models you would be able to suggest, trying to maximize my true wattage in my tiny space, but I guess I should probably also be looking at ppf and par charts rather than just true wattage
  17. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Light suggestions for awkward tent?

    Wowzers you provided me with a lot to look at! I have generally heard nothing but good things about HLG, and just saw some of the migro lights! Being in Canada is rough, as shipping and duties usually kill our ability to order internationally without paying a premium but I believe I have seen...
  18. GreatWhiteNorthGrows


    It will, but without additional light it won't be getting any better, it will flower out but the buds will be small and likely airy.
  19. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Light suggestions for awkward tent?

    Hello guys, looking to upgrade or add another light to my tent, however, it is an extremely frustrating size of 3 ft by 20inches so I am limited as far as width goes for my light choices. Anyone have any suggestions for smaller tents for about 2 plants? Appreciate the help!
  20. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Plant leaves drooping at night.

    I too droop into my bed every night and perk back up every morning, huh... but no all joking aside, this is why people say some form of a dark cycle is needed, plants sleep just like us!