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  1. Green Xan Man

    Tell me everything about LSD.

    acid is awesome, anyone should try it, but u should have def. have to have a strong mind, whoever said that is right!
  2. Green Xan Man

    Nutrient Question?????

    well the plant is just veggin a little before i put it outside, i did plan on gettin fox farm soil though
  3. Green Xan Man

    Nutrient Question?????

    I was lookin through some gardening stuff and i found plant food, one was 10-10-10 and the other was 18-6-12. Is either of these good to use or is there a better combination?
  4. Green Xan Man

    Plants Similar To Maryjane?

    I just looked at catnip, it can be smoked, mix a little with your weed for a minty taste, not for me, but maybe for those who like menthol or whatever
  5. Green Xan Man

    Plants Similar To Maryjane?

    sounds good, thanks man
  6. Green Xan Man

    Plants Similar To Maryjane?

    I was looking at basil, it kinda looks like weed in some of the pics if seen, plus it smells good, ha.
  7. Green Xan Man

    Strain..New Grow..

    woord, appreciate it.
  8. Green Xan Man

    please help me!

    Yea, i germinate my seeds in between to wet paper towels in complete darkness, works really well, and i would prefer to veg with a MH but if you only have an HPS you should be straight. But yea, check out Grow FAQ.
  9. Green Xan Man

    Strain..New Grow..

    I've been looking at alot of different strains to gro but i am still not sure. If anyone has a good strain that is easy to gro for a noob then please post it up..
  10. Green Xan Man

    Plants Similar To Maryjane?

    Does anyone have any other suggestions on plants that grow like marijuana? Or is there a plant that is just fun to grow and use crazy techniques on?
  11. Green Xan Man

    Question about harvesting????

    You know when you read about seeds and it says it that flowers in 8 weeks but the harvest time is October? Well what if i planted in May and harvested in 8 weeks which would be around early August.? Would this give me be alright to do? Should i just stick with the harvest month or the flowering...
  12. Green Xan Man

    Possible Supercropping problem. Please Help!!

    Yea, so i \should have done more research on super cropping before I tried. Instead of bending the branches I cut one off, Its not a big deal though, this plant is just an experiment. But now i know the technique so thanks.
  13. Green Xan Man

    Possible Supercropping problem. Please Help!!

    I started to super crop my small plant and i cut the top most part of first. When should it start growing from that spot or show any signs of rejuvenation?
  14. Green Xan Man

    Strengthening a small plant?????

    How can i help make my plants stem stronger and thicker? and do i have to wait for it to get bigger before i mess with it?
  15. Green Xan Man

    Information Please

    I was wondering if anyone new when it would be a good time to start trimming a plant and super crop it?
  16. Green Xan Man

    Music to Smoke to @_@ (suggestions)

    For Whom The Bell Tolls - Metallica
  17. Green Xan Man

    Nirvana's "Early" Seeds

    yo, outdoors under the sun is the best way to grow it. wen u go to put them outdoors u have to harden them off slowly at first. put them outside for a few hours a day. start with 4 hrs and add an hr a day till u reach 8 or 9 and then plant them in ur spot. dig the spot up and put some good soil...
  18. Green Xan Man

    Growning in VA???

    I was just wondering if anyone has grown outdoors in VA, and if anyone has any good tips or advice. This will be my first outdoor grow, your help would be appreciated.