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  1. Saltydog1911

    2nd Amendment

    No one cares about your opinion. "I'm told.." read the Constitution first that MAY lend credence to your opinions.
  2. Saltydog1911

    harvest now? microscopic pic included

    I tend to be anxious. When I think they are done, I give them another week or ten days. I don't think yours are done.
  3. Saltydog1911

    Reparations MADE

    It was right here in the New World that the Irish were enslaved.
  4. Saltydog1911

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    I identify as vaccinated. That should take care of it. No science involved.
  5. Saltydog1911

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    Informed decisions is what I would be happy with. Look what Bill Gates did in India with an untested vaccine
  6. Saltydog1911

    Will You Take The Vaccine?

    Greatest number of side effects of ANY vaccine in the last decade. I only have a degree in microbiology, so what do I know...
  7. Saltydog1911

    New product Giveaway of SE3000 LED-- Catch the Chance

    Us #spiderfarmerled @Spiderfarmerled Love your lights!!
  8. Saltydog1911

    Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

    Child abuse. Plain and simple. At six years old I barely let my kids pick what they wanted for lunch.
  9. Saltydog1911

    With all the deals out there, what did you buy?

    I wouldn't freeze my seed. The fridge will suffice.
  10. Saltydog1911


    I think in flower with that light the distance is about 18".
  11. Saltydog1911

    CBD for pets

    I have a beagle that has pain problems and uses CBD. She will let me know when she wants it, and the only weed she ever sniffs, is high CBD weed. She will sit next to me when I smoke that, but not low CBD... I most assuredly believe in the benefits.
  12. Saltydog1911

    Another story that proves guns make people safer

    Not in every state.
  13. Saltydog1911

    "Biden White House Sandbags Staffers, Sidelines Dozens for Pot Use"

    So all democrats tell the truth? You folks are either really young, or really sold on the bullshit. All I said was "All politicians lie...", If you don't see BOTH side fucking every time they can, you are BLIND.. Get me banned. Who cares I've been growing weed for over twenty years with...
  14. Saltydog1911

    "Biden White House Sandbags Staffers, Sidelines Dozens for Pot Use"

    No, because ALL politicians lie. Each and everyone including Joe and the Hoe he rode in on.
  15. Saltydog1911

    Spider Farmer led grow light--less watts, more light

    I started with a SF2000 in a 4x4 tent. Bought a second SF2000 and it just caused an EXPLOSION of growth in my tent. Love the lights.
  16. Saltydog1911

    "Biden White House Sandbags Staffers, Sidelines Dozens for Pot Use"

    Trust NO politician is perhaps wiser than trusting just one party.
  17. Saltydog1911

    Rant about obtaining seeds

    Seedsman has always come through, on time, for me. I have had customs open packages and send them on with beans included, the toy never touched, so just wait and see...