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  1. F

    2021 seedling plan

    All 44 plants survived, I gave 2 to a friend 42 thriving. Very optimistic.
  2. F

    2021 seedling plan

    See pictures. 44 plants between 6 and 10 inches, all bright green and healthy. Bought 20 bags to use when transplanting outside, the rest in the ground. Wifey not happy with how much yard I’m going to use. Pumped
  3. F

    2021 seedling plan

    All are indoors. Their warranty is void if you plant directly into medium. Instructions call for paper towels
  4. F

    2021 seedling plan

    So, after a disastrous 2022 crop I did the following: Installed 12 x 36 ft raised bed with chicken wire. This will hold 20 plants. Ordered 30 seeds from Quebec seeds. Received 44 seeds in 5 days (14 freebies )all female, with idiot proof instructions with 80% germination guarantee if...
  5. F

    2021 seedling plan

    Ok. Just home from Florida for winter. Made 7 batches from frozen weed from last year. Each batch 12 six minute washes, I only emptied bags every 2nd wash. Chopped and dried batches while washing batches. Each batch takes about 4 hours including cleaning up and smoke break. Then rolled into...
  6. F

    2021 seedling plan

    Ok. Sorry for no updates but now harvest is completed. Chemdawg G13 clear winner. 16 oz big buds, plus 1.5lbs medium buds for hash from 1 plant. Growth everywhere see pic for stalk. hash plant next best, 7 plants 40lbs wet in freezer for hash, 9oz for smoke In total 80oz buds curing in jars...
  7. F

    2021 seedling plan

    This was taken yesterday. I have one plant flowering already. Should I be worried?
  8. F

    Bubble hash

    Is this pressed weed or hash? I roll my life into temple balls. I gave a pineapple kush ball to a friend, he told me it was among best hash ever.
  9. F

    Bubble hash

    They may be male plants. Be careful
  10. F

    2021 seedling plan

    An update. I had 1 hash plant,1 Turkish cookie and1 chemdawg survive from my January disastrous trial run. They struggled but when I moved them to my southern bay window they thrived and now 24 inches tall and healthy. Mid March planted remaining 7 each of hp,ch13 and tc. All 7 hp sprouted but...
  11. F

    2018 Canadian outdoor strains of choice.

    Oh zone was the strongest of all except mould set in at end.
  12. F

    2021 seedling plan

    One month later. I made many mistakes here but still have hope. First mistake was using pro mix that had chemicals. When I added liquid fertilizer, leaves started to burn. Then gnats like crazy Stopped fertilizing,less water and a month from seed popping I’m feeling better. Top pic is chemdawg...
  13. F

    Can someone help me about making bubble hash?

    Maybe too little water? The ice is only to keep water cold. If you hear heavy ice chunks banging in washer, it’s too rough on buds and knocks off plant matter. Short washes are best but more ice needed. Watch frenchy and dank duchess on you tube. it has to be cold environment when washing too...
  14. F

    2021 seedling plan

    Dilemma. Usually I go to my guy at hydro store to get chemicals. I don’t even pay attention to we’re quarantined and I need to learn how to fertilize seedlings and when to start. I will sent pics soon
  15. F

    2021 seedling plan

    ok. The above wasn’t successful so I put 1 Chem g13 in mineral removed water in a glass for 24 hours.I tapped seed in water and it sunk after 3 hours. Put in paper towel between plates. Sprout next day, put in soil tail down and next day leaves poking. Then did same with hash plant and same...
  16. F

    2021 seedling plan

    None broke through soil I put Chen g13 tap up today, hash plant tap down yesterday. Starting to worry some